I always remember I found LB not long before Cherry Bomb was born.
CB will be ten on May 21, 2007.
Picture above was her at a few weeks old.
It IS hard to believe it's been ten years, and what a great ten years it's been.
We've all been through personal tragedies, horse-related tragedies, triumphs, losses, and a HUGE amount of learning, both about Miniature horses and human nature.
Used to be when I would tell a "newbie" about LB, they'd never heard of it and be off to look under my advisement. Nowadays, when I bring it up, they already know about LB!!! I think that's awesome, because there's so much here that's available for people to use for learning, getting outside opinions.
Thank you, Mary Lou, and everyone that contributes to this site.
Here's to LB being a presence for as long as people and Miniature horses try to live together! *LOL*
Liz M.