Little Update on the people with no manners

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I've had two weekends of solid bliss. I hope it continues.

When I was venting about the ill mannered people that come barging in my house dripping oil and stink all over the place, and spitting tobacco in my fine china, etc. and I didn't realize that I was already at my breaking point, and soon afterwards I came unglued. It had taken it's toll on me and my temper had been building over this constant home invasion.

I once again had four people barge in my house un-announced looking for the boys who weren't home; two in the front door and two showed up at the back door, one was bitten by one of my dogs in the foot for doing that. I just got her home from the vets and she was very cranky. She's on steriods again and wanted to kill them and she was being a handful. The other dog almost bit one of them but I grabbed his collar in time and it was 3 minutes of total insanity. I pushed them bodily all back out the door onto the porch and instructed them to never never never come back into my house again without knocking and being invited in. I physically showed them how to knock on a door and WAIT until someone invited them to come in. I guess they thought I had gone nuts. I told them several things about their behavior in my house that was irratating me. I tried to watch my wording and not be hurtful or insulting. They said nothing but acted like they didn't think that they had done anything wrong. They knew by the tone of my voice that I was a ticked off and I even made them open their car doors for the girls. Oh I am sure they will continue that one..........

They have not been here everynight for dinner for nearly two weeks now. Good. I can't afford to keep feeding an army anyhow and I'm sick of cooking for them everynight. Only two of group has been here once since then and did knock on the front door, while the other one waited in the car. I guess to see if I was still dangerous. lol........ When it began to get late, I told them they had to leave and they jumped right up and left quickly.

Oops, I guess I'm the mommy from he** now, but as far as I'm concerend, they can find some manners or go freeload on someone else.

ugh, I can't believe I had the guts to do this!
Sounds like you are getting your point across. Sometimes people need a more elaborate explanation in order to understand.

You're not the mother from he11...just a mother enjoying a little more peace and quiet now.
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Way to GO Marty! It's not a frat house or a halfway house, it's your HOME!
Good for you Marty. My mom used to say you only can be taken advantage of it you allow it and I have found over the years that most of the time that was GOLDEN advice.

ugh, I can't believe I had the guts to do this!
Well, Marty, you know what I told you. And don't give an inch either or they will take your arm and then your life AGAIN. Remember, YOUR HOUSE! If you want a door mat you can buy one a Walmart.
Hey Marty,

We've got a guy working for us that burps "and I mean he really lets it rip" anytime and anywhere on the jobsite(last few months has been a church fellowship hall) with no regard to whom might be standing with in 1/2 mile. Farts just the same. Never says excuse me! And tends to butt into conversations that he should never be part of.

I was wondering have you ever thought about hitting the road on tour???????????? We've got really fresh seafood up here in Maine. Lobsters right off the boat!

I know a couple other business that would hire you in a heartbeat!

Mark that's hillareous but nothing compared to this bunch.

This group is much more than just crude. There is no way better to explain it other than they have no common decency about every day things that the rest of us seem to.

I'd be greatful for them to fart! Fart, burp, that's nothing. I can handle farts. I live with 3 guys you know? These people leave craters floating in my toilet and spit tobacco in my mother's demitassee glass and lay on my kids beds and go to sleep and help themselves to my refridgerator without asking and you name it they do it! That's the kind stuff they do to me among other things and can't understand why I am a bit frazzled. But I tell you that they won't do that in my house anymore cause I got on them like flies on cow pies and I am going to put manners on them or they don't come in my home anymore cause I am a woman on the edge. I also told them if they dare call me "MA" one more time I will really haul off and hit someone.

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