1-2-07 Hi: Went on line and looked at Look Out Scout progeny. They're 12 of them.
142718 A COCHISE (94); 141469 A D & S SWEET WILLIAM (93); 141508 A MICHIGAN'S GERONIMO (93): 141061 A D & S QUEEN HILLARY (92); 141056 A MICHIGAN'S INDIAN PONY (92); 139912 A D & S ZACCHAEUS (91); 140202 A FIDDLESTICKS FSF (91); 138471 A KNIGHT'S MAVERICK (89); 138470 A KNIGHT'S MINNIE MOUSE (89); 138469 A KNIGHT'S SNOW WHITE (89); 138467 A KNIGHT'S CUB SCOUT (89); 138468 A KNIGHTS GIRL SCOUT (89). I didn't take the time to look up current owners, maybe you could go into the stud books yourself or get someone else to do it for you. Ta, Shirlee