Look what i found in my yard today

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Poor thing...
I would let animal control know about this. Let her have a permanent home with you. It seems to be that she wants to be with you. I honestly don't think that she would be just some family pet. I personally think, from looking at the pictures, that she has had somewhat of a rough life.......

Poor girl...
You know what you are doing so I will not offer advice.

But I will offer a word of warning.

Make sure the authorities (ie Sherriff...whatever) know you have the mare and know the condition she is in. etc, the whole story.

Otherwise you could be giving someone a free makeover!!

They could turn up in three months time, prove the mare is theirs, and take her away!
I would agree with writing everything down, and document it all , with dates and times. Maybe get a body count on her from the vet, to prove what condition she was in when you found her. Striking out at you ...
you have a bit of a project , how rewarding it will be when she whinneys for you and lets you hug her.
Aye, good points Rabbit, photos a diary, just keeping track of all of it to protect you from being reported for having a starved animal on premises. Rebecca is feeling better each day, she may be a handful then but talk right into her eyes, she hears everything.
I am sure you will do what is best for her.

Just wanted to wish you both good luck!
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In addition to contacting either animal control or the sheriff, photos and a diary I'd also keep track of all expenses for her. Then if someone comes to get her you can give them the bill. From the looks of her my guess would be that once handed a bill they may just decide they don't need her back that badly. That would be a GOOD deal for her.
Hi, Just be sure you have dated photographs and log what you give her and treat her with. As she progresses take more pictures. Also I would suggest reporting to authorities and have a vet examine her in her worst condition. Where I live to hold up in court for seizing a horse from cruel circumstances you must have a vet certificate and examination. We have a group here called LAPS large animal protection society, they have a website and you might get some information from their site. You don't want to rehab the mare and have the owners come in and claim her back after you put in all the money and hard work. I have seen this happen and the courts awarded the horse right back to the bad home in gorgeous condition because the rescuers didn't have the chain of proof in place. A random thought is that somebody got her in that condition? One could only wish
, a friend of mine used to rescue ponies and horses in that condition and rehabilitate them to health.. She was reported to animal control for cruelty a couple of times because people thought she was doing the abuse to the horse. She kept a log and once animal control was aware they took care of explaining to the complainer for her. She worked miracles on so many sad cases, it was amazing on the transformaton.
Can't do anything until tomorrow anyway but feed her and chat with her...every once in a while she kind of comes into focus and her ears perk up and she seems happy...then she shuts down again. Have lot's of pictures and the forum itself will date them, I have had other horses show up before and have always quickly found were they belonged...this girl just seems so disconnected...she sure isn't acting like she misses a home....more like she has quit caring about anything.
Bath, brush, food, water, kind words! Look for a responsible person wanting to adopt the animal. Maybe whoever neglected it could not afford food, but PULLEEZ!!!! They could have at least brushed away that winter coat. The animal will be fortunate if it never sees it's former owner again.
You know what you are doing so I will not offer advice.But I will offer a word of warning.

Make sure the authorities (ie Sherriff...whatever) know you have the mare and know the condition she is in. etc, the whole story.

Otherwise you could be giving someone a free makeover!!

They could turn up in three months time, prove the mare is theirs, and take her away!

I totally agree you need to call the police dept and let them know you have her with a report and pictures from them to go along with it. You then would have to check the laws in your state on how much time must pass before she can be turned over to CMHR or anyone else besides the authorties in your county for that matter
The lethargy and "shut down" could be infection or pain. I just had a rescue horse put down. When I took him to the OSU equine clinic for evaluation, the vet commented that he looked "somnolent", not really interested in his surroundings. Xray relvealed he had contracted tendons and had been in pain his whole life--nine years.

Another had a dislocated scapula and severe bacterial infection. This one returned 100% after chiropractic treatment and a round of antibiotic.

Good luck with your little waif.
Poor horse, I know that she is in good hands now, like others have said document everything and let the authorities know you have her. In a couple of weeks she will look like a new horse. God Bless you for looking after this little lost mare.

I wish there was someway to know if this was a stolen horse that has been 'missing' for awhile and not cared for and if the theives turned her loose when they didn't want her anymore. maybe...?
hi, Just wondering if there was any news on your surprise. I hope that everything is good with her. It's hard to believe people just dump off horses, and just don't care. If you find them I hope they get brought up on cruelty to animal charges. Good Luck to you and her.
I guess I see this a teeny tiny bit different. I suspect they DID care a little; They "dumped" where someone would likely feed and care for her. (I'm a glass half full person; what can I say?
Rebecca is doing well I think, she brightens up when people are around and though she hates her head touched she does like her neck and withers rubbed. Have not bathed or clipped yet as I want her comfortable and at ease before doing what might be a stressful clean-up job. I think there is a very sweet horse hiding in that rough looking body, can't wait to see it come out!

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