My wonderful husband is buying me a new show horse for my 50th birthday, I have 2 geldings I am looking at. I go see the first one on Saturday. He has S& T breeding, but I can't find any info on them. I can find several horse with there name but no web site
So I thought if some one had a link they could send it my way. Also just found out, that on my birthday weekend me and my 2 kids are flying to Vegas for the weekend. My husband has been very sneakey getting this all planed. I guess after 25 yr of marriage he is a real keeper.
You need to contact Dorothy and Vern Stevens or Angie Tillman in LaConner, Washington. Thery are S & T Miniatures and Ponies and would have the information you are looking for. Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!
Thanks everyone for the info. I will contact them, if I bring the horse home. Going to look at him on Saturday. I haven't told Toast yet, I am sure he will be mad. Oh wait a minute that is his mood most the time.
He is just a grumpy guy. But I am sure he will get over it. I will post pictures of the new guy if he does come home with me this weekend.