Over the years I have followed threads like this, on average, some people having fate on their side and others dealing with more loss than anyone should have to deal with, it seems like the rate of losses with mini's seems to be around 20-25% . Now that includes mares that abort a fetus after approx. 5-6 months, when it is of a size that is large enough that it is easily found by owners, it also include red bags, distocias, dummy foals that don't make it, foals that are premies or those that simply have "failure to thrive", those that get joint I'll, do not get sufficient colostrum, those that get the foal scours and rapidly go down hill, basically, the percent includes any foal that does not make it past 1 month of age. In some instances and some years that percent seems higher. Now of course, that is only based on mini people I know, forum people painfully sharing their live viable foals v/s their losses, and personal experience. More so than anything else, I have learned that if someone says they have never had any losses, they should not pat themselves on the back for doing a superb job, many of us are meticulous about the care we give out mares and foals, before, during and after foaling. Instead these individuals should thank the dear Lord above that they have not yet had their run of bad luck, breed long enough and everyone gets their unfortunate turn.