Carolyn, I'm so sorry that you are without your little hero, Tate.
You've already had proof that he will never truly leave you, as even in his death he protected you by crossing on his own and sparing you that painful decision.
I still feel the presence and love of my fur friends that have passed on. My terrier Hillary still gardens with me and sleeps on my pillow, wrapped around my head. Sophie sent two Maltese girls, one for us and one for my mom and sister, to show that even the tiniest pups can be rough and tumble farm dogs. Amazingly, I feel the protection that Ella, our Pyrenees-mix, gave us. To this day the coyotes stay away from our neighborhood. We hear them nearby, but they seem not to dare cross our property.
Tate will always be with you, as that kind of love never dies.
Take care,