Lost my Best Friend Today

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2012
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Some of you may have rememberd the post I started around August 2013 of last year about my big horse max who collapsed in the field and had only 5% mobility but then miraculously came back to 100%.

Well I got a phone call around 9:15am that the barn had found him passed away in the field; she knew there was something wrong when he wasnt the first at the buckets waiting to be fed.

When I got to the farm, they already had gotten him out of the field for the removel service and as she said there was no trauma, cuts etc on him and his blanket was intact and fine. So it looks like he laid down and went to sleep just to never wake up. I saw him on Sunday and he was fine and his normal pain in the butt self and had been normal every day up to when they found him.

He was 27 years old just having a birthday on st pattys day and I have had him for 17 years so since I was 11/12 years old. He was my team mate, my best friend and I shared a bond with him like no other to tell you the truth. He was so smart, loving etc for a animal, may people and trainers couldnt believe and said horses like him come around 1 in a million.

I feel bad for my mini because that was his pasture mate and he was waiting at the gate like he was expecting him to be brought back and that broke my heart even more because I remember when Max lost a pasture mate and what a toll it took on him.

I am in a very depressed state right now and just taking it very hard and it might be because it was so sudden. I actually planned on going down tonight to see the boys and work the mini.

So very sorry for your loss. I lost my very first mini in January, he was just shy of 28. He too was found, lookes like he just went to sleep. I totally understand. Hugss.
Thank you for the messages. Ive had others horses pass due to having to put them down for different reasons, but this is the first horse I have had a special bond with and kept till an old age such as this. Definitely hard but I hope I can put all my energy into my mini boy to help with the loss.
So very that you have lost Max, your love for him and his for you was very obvious from your previous postings about him.

Sending you ((((HUGS)))) at this very sad time.
I am so sorry you have lost Max your special horse, it sounds like you have many good memories of him to hold dear.
Sending lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for the loss of your special friend. I remember praying for him last year, and being so happy he pulled through. And what a gift -- a gentle way to pass!

Run free Max!
Thank you everyone

I am glad he passed peacefully and in good health. The communicator I had speak to him when he was down last year said he said he still had a lot of fight left and wasnt ready to go. In about 2 weeks or so I am going to contact the same woman to see if she can communicate him and see if I can just get some closure.

Funny thing is this past Sunday I was there, I had my mini tied to the clipping area and I was talking to someone and next thing I know she is pointing behind me and here is Robin munching on hay strands and just strolling around the barn. Somehow he untied himself which has never happened before, for some reason I had a feeling Max taught him, because I always said Max was Mr Houdini. Ive never seen such a horse like him who could untie himself out of anything and open gates/doors. I was like "oh great I have another one." lol
I'm so very very sorry for such a great loss. I know how you feel and its so hard.
Sorry for your loss. I still get teary eyed when I think of my mare I grew up with, she was 10 months when we go her, I was 9 yrs old. Had her for 23 years until she was put down due to cancer. Somehow certain horses hold a special place in our hearts.
OH NO! I'm SO very sorry you lost your best friend. He'll watch over you, til you meet again.

I'm so sorry, know your not alone and that we animal lovers understand your heart break. Again I'm so sorry.
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Thank you guys for your posts, I have had an overwhelming response to his death from everyone and peoples comments have helped me get through this.

I also wanted to share that the farm he was at had a mini colt the same morning he passed and they decided to incorporate his name Max into the colts show name; such a thoughtful and gracious jesture.

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