Well-Known Member

Hey everyone!
I told you I'd come give a story on what's been going on with me, since we moved to Colorado in November. Was just waiting for the newest addition to come, and she did last Friday.
Soooo we had outgrown our little house in the city with 4 stalls in the back yard. Dad was fed up with his corporate job. We had 6 horses and a dog, and we were boarding the other two at a VERY constricting stable. One arena, an ogre for a manager, and we butted heads on every issue.

We realize we need our own place, and cost of living in Los Angeles was getting ridiculous. We decide on Colorado. Dad gets a job out there... So we put the house on the market.
First new addition comes when our friends (Fancy Me on the forum) find out that they are moving to Virginia to go to some private school, but cannot take their beloved, spoiled, Fancy with them. Those of you who know the history of me and that horse - I went with them to pick her out, I've loved her since they got her, and any time they went out of town I got to pony-sit her. I never wanted to give her back! So when they left, I finally got to call miss Fancy MINE!!!

The next addition came when we were a few weeks from moving, I was walking my yorkie by my neighbor's house, and she stopped me. The conversation went something like this:
Alex! You're moving to Colorado right!?! ... Yep! In a few weeks! ... So you'll have more space for everyone to run around right? ... Yes, we're hoping to get our own ranch eventually .... Great! Can you take this dog with you!?!!?!

So I take a look, it's something called a Shiba Inu, and OMG it looks like a little white wolf!! I've always wanted something like that! Apparently she got this girl as a puppy for her 3 year old granddaughter, those of you who know the breed will know it wasn't quite a good match. Dog's energy level through the roof, child's attention span not nearly long enough. And the owner had 3 dogs of her own, little 4 pound toy yorkies and malteses, who she dyed pink and pushed around in strollers (welcome to LA!

Isn't she precious!!!!!!!!

So soon after that, with 7 horses and 2 dogs, we move 1081 miles to Berthoud, Colorado. We don't have our own ranch yet, but we are at a huge facility with an indoor arena, not bad for temporary use.

New town, I'm homeschooled and don't have much of a way to meet friends. When I'm not at the barn enjoying the new found freedom, I'm at home with my new little best friend Bolt. She has got to be one of the smartest dogs I've ever met in my life. That first month before I met anybody or started doing anything socially (or even had a computer to use!), I had fun clicker training Boltie a bunch of new tricks. All our stuff was still packed on the moving van, mom was out job searching, and I was home with Bolt and my yorkie Jazzy. So What did I do after basic obedience - which she had picked up in 2 weeks anyway? Teach the dog a bunch of ridiculous tricks of course!!! It was like she was my only play thing LOL!!! Canine freestyle, easy. Finding things I hide for her around the house, easy. Jumping, crawling, rolling, easy. What to do now? Well I got REALLY bored .... I taught her how to do the Beyonce Single Ladies dance!!!!!!! Don't worry, once I find out how the video cam I got for Christmas works, I'll upload a vid.
Then I started volunteering at the local Humane Society because I needed something to do. I've been there for a month and a half and already got promoted to the higher volunteer status where I get to work with difficult dogs, walking, some behavior modification. I'm fascinated with animal psychology so this is a wonderful opportunity. It's also made me fall in LOVE with Pit Bulls, and I just might bring home one soon, once we get our own place. Here's my favorite girl from the shelter:

I want one just like her once we have room.
A little background on the next addition:
One of my alltime favorite horse breeds has always been Mustangs. And I was planning to adopt one from the BLM once we got our own place out here. At our last boarding stable there was a boarder who came in with a gorgeous buckskin mustang mare. I was instantly attracted. She had some serious problems though. VERY long story short, she put the owner in the hospital, dumped her and ran 3 miles before somebody caught her. She went through 3 proffessional trainers all of which gave up on her because she was "crazy." One of them ran her into a fence because she wouldn't stop, and actually cut her face up pretty good on that one. I played with her Parelli style for a month and absolutely love her, I was just about to ride her again when she got sent to another trainer.
Then on Christmas I get a call from the owner - that trainer gave up too, and she wanted to give her to me!!!!!! I am still bouncing off the walls.
(Sound like the Spirit story to anyone else?)
I am planning to go very slow with this one, since she has a ton of baggage. I'm not planning on riding her for at least a month, probably two.
So this is my new beautiful girl - XENA!

If you actually want to read the whole story, it's here:
Well, that about sums up whats going on. Here's some random pics of what life looks like now.

(OH, and this is where Boltie hangs out when I'm on the computer.)

Thanks for reading everyone! I've missed you bunches!!!!!