PS... We need to take our two Great Pyrenees cross dogs (Dozer, 14mos (3/4 GP, 1/4 Lab), and Diesel 6mos) in to be "tutored" in the next month or so. Waiting for it to be a little cooler outside, and time where both H and I can take 1-2 days off around a weekend to just help them recover. I'm seriously thinking of putting THEM in our bumper pull trailer, either in their sleeping crates, or one in the "tack room" (big enough for a mini) and one in the back (big enough for 2-3 minis). They both get car sick, big time. I need to take a good look and if I can be sure that we can latch things so that something as dexterous (sp?) as a dog cannot unlatch anything, I feel like that option beats them vomiting in the SUV! So it may be multifunctional to have a little horse trailer