Well-Known Member
I'm once again doing a foaling contest for our girls.. I did this last year and had a blast seeing all the guesses and seeing who came up the closest! This year is super exciting for me to begin with as we are expecting our first foals by our new herdsire and I invite you to join in on the fun and anticipation as the due dates draw near.. And to top it all off, our own Kaitlin (aka Watcheye) has GRACIOUSLY agreed to set aside time for me, in order to draw caricatures for the winners of their favorite horse/pet!! We have two girls due to foal this year so TWO chances to win..
The sire to both foals is Oak Parks Oh Im Awesome, black tobiano
The mares due are:
Tango (Black tobiano/splash)
Due May 30th (330 days)
Daisy (Black bay solid)
Due June 2nd (330 days)
If you choose to participate please pm or email me ([email protected]) with the following:
List the mare name, the date you think she will foal, the sex/color of foal, and whether you think the foal will be solid or pinto.
Winner will be determined by whoever guesses the actual foaling date the closest, if there is multiple guesses for that day then the sex, color, solid/pinto will be used as tie breakers.. If there is identical guesses (same day/sex/color/pattern) then whoever sent their guess in first will be the winner..
There will be ONE winner per mare
Will be taking guesses up until April 1st
The sire to both foals is Oak Parks Oh Im Awesome, black tobiano

The mares due are:
Tango (Black tobiano/splash)
Due May 30th (330 days)

Daisy (Black bay solid)
Due June 2nd (330 days)

If you choose to participate please pm or email me ([email protected]) with the following:
List the mare name, the date you think she will foal, the sex/color of foal, and whether you think the foal will be solid or pinto.
Winner will be determined by whoever guesses the actual foaling date the closest, if there is multiple guesses for that day then the sex, color, solid/pinto will be used as tie breakers.. If there is identical guesses (same day/sex/color/pattern) then whoever sent their guess in first will be the winner..
There will be ONE winner per mare
Will be taking guesses up until April 1st
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