Lung cancer in dogs

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JMS Miniatures

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2002
Reaction score
Wentworth, MO
I do believe our one other dog has lung cancer. We've taken x-rays and lots of liquid in his lungs and we also have noticed that his mouth was real puffy and the vet thinks its cancer and its gone down to his lungs. She gave him some medicine incase his caughing had something to do with his heart and that we should notice a change drastically if its working. Well their is no change. He is caughing up a storm and real forceful and doesn't breathe really well. He sleeps for LONG periods of time and not active at all. He is 14yrs old.

If this was your dog would you put him to sleep? He just doesn't seem happy anymore.
Jamie --

First of all, I am so sorry. I know how much dogs mean.

From what you are saying, and that he is not happy, I do think I'd put him to sleep.

My parents Old English Sheepdog had to be put to sleep last October due to bone cancer, which is extremely painful. He was on very strong narcotic drugs to help with the pain, but that only lasted so long. Just before they decided it was time to let him go, he would lay on his side, hold his leg out, and moan. I think that's the most pitiful thing my family has ever seen and he was just an amazing and intelligent dog.

The thing that worries me hearing about your dog, is what if his lung collapses? That did happen with Oliver the year before we found out he had bone cancer. We had to rush him from the vet's to the animal hospital, about an hour away. None of us including the vet knew if he'd survive the trip or die (with me in the back seat hugging him). I worried a lot after this happened about what if it happened again and my parents couldn't get him help in time.

With Ollie's bone cancer, it was "just" an issue of pain which was controllable for a period of time, but with lungs, he can't just not breath the way Ollie could just not walk much. And with how he is sleeping a lot, I feel like this is because he is struggling and tired.

I'm so sorry.

After going through a lengthy illness with my horse, the best advice I received and the advice that I will give is...go with your heart. No one knows your friend better than you do. Just listen to you heart, and do what you feel is best.

Take care,

Liz R.

If you want to p.m. me.

I am soooo sorry. What a terrible time of year for this to be happening to you.

If you think he's suffering at all, it's probably time to let him go. Sometimes you can tell by the look in their eye.


We did have a dog with lung cancer. It is not easy to watch. He was himself, up to a certain point. When he became unhappy, and no longer wanted to play (and this dog LIVED to play), we decided it was time to take him to the vet. He had been diagnosed before this, and there was nothing we could do. By the time we found it, it had covered his lungs with little tumors. When my parents took him in to the vet to put him to sleep, he was almost gone when the tumors burst. My vet said if we hadn't taken him in when we did, and he had done that at home, it would have been very painful, and taken him some time to drown in the blood. It would be better for the dog, and for you, to release him from the pain before it becomes unbearable. I know how hard this decision is to make. I also had to put my dog down, because of lymphoma. It was in her neck, you see. When she got to the point where she couldn't walk from my room to the front of the house without losing her breath, and was breathing hard most of the time, I took her in. She never did get to the point where she acted like she wanted to go. She was older, and I had rescued her, and I think in her mind, any time she got to spend with me was time well spent. I don't think it mattered to her that she was sick. Bandit did know, if only there at the end. I think you need to think about the things your dog loves doing, whether it's eating, or playing. When these things no longer interest him, it is probably time. Don't go alone, and make sure you have time to say goodbye at the vet's. My prayers will be with you at this painful time. I know Bandit and Sasha will be waiting to meet your friend across the Rainbow Bridge when it is time for him to go there.
I am so sorry you are going through this.......I myself have two old timers and at anytime will be in the same tough best advice is talk to him he will in his own way let you know if it is time
Spend some quiet time with him, my friend. Look into his eyes and feel from your heart. You'll know what is best for him.

I am so sorry ((hugs))...Miniv is right, look into his eyes and he will tell you. It is such a hard decision. No one knows him like you do and you are second guessing yourself so the time is probably pretty near. You will know when it's best wishes and big HUGS!
Thanks guys! I'm really going to have to think about this one and spend as much time with him as I can. Hard part is my mom is very sensitive and she feels like if we put him to sleep we are litterally killing him ourselves.

Hard part is also our other dog was recently diagnosed with oral cancer. So both of our dogs don't have that much longer I'm afraid and we had them since they were pups



Have your mom read this thread. And have her talk it over with your vet. She should ask the vet about what kind of suffering your fellow is having or will be having soon. It sounds like your mom loves him too and will do what is best at the right time.


So sad!

I have a 14 yr old dog and have thought about this many times, what would I do.

I would definately put Molly to sleep if she was in pain due to a disease. She has had a wonderful life but she only knows day to day and if her last day is a good one she will be happy. I am the one who will be crushed and the one who will miss her.

It is out of total respect for my dog that I would do this. I know my old girl well enough to know when life isn't much fun anymore. I think it is selfish to allow them to linger on because it is not fun.

Whatever you decide I am sure you will have your dogs best interests at heart, it is not an easy decision.

I'm sorry you're going through this. I've been there several times. Like someone else has all ready posted, follow your heart.

If you know the dog is not happy anymore, that he is in pain, the best thing to do is to let him go. People tend to be "selfish" and want to keep the pet as long as they can (me included) but you have to think of the animal.

Contact Bonnie, she can give you a little more help.

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