Lutalyse Shots??

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CLC Stables

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Has anyone here used Lutalyse shots to help their mares to begin to cycle??

Curious to hear everyones experiences.
I have Rob, but unless you use it at the right time of the cycle it does not work right.

I just had my repro vet out and this is what she talked about doing to get my girls going. Although at this time of year she said it would only buy me about 2 weeks but if you are really in a push to get it going then I could try it. This was putting them on Regumate for a couple weeks and getting them going.

I had all my mares ultrasounded to see where I was at and 4 were still in winter mode, (en estrus ?) and 2 were on the verge of going into transition. So in other words she said take a 2 week break and start teasing again. Breed them for 7 days, give them a hcg shot and short cycle them. They probably will not take on the transition heat and if they actually do produce a CL on this heat it will not effect the outcome of it being fertilized.

I am just learning all this and sometimes I get it messed up but I am pretty sure this is what she told me. So in other words, the lutalyse was not going to help me much at this time.
I just recently used it for the first time. My 29" mare (3 yr old) is such a, well, let's say...loose lady
: She can look at a stallion for 30 seconds and start squirting. She's bad. Well, she got in with our 42" pony and spent all night in his stall. When we found them in the morning they were both sweaty and exhausted.
Needless to say, we would never have chosen that pairing, so just to be safe the vet administered Lutalyse. She gave her one shot on day one and sent us home with another shot for day two. Our vet suggested we stall her and watch her because sometimes they experience some excessive cramping, etc. Luckily our mare did just fine and had no ill effects. She cycled just like normal and is doing just fine. Seemed to work just like it's supposed to.

Also, my understanding is that there are no long-term ill effects either.

Good luck!
I have and I will not use it again- the mare did settle however.. there is about an hour time period after the shot they are VERY uncomfortable, it was awful the sweating, the not being able to walk due to cramping, wanting to go down every few steps. It went away and no long term effects but was just to much for me.(she came in I am thinking about 2 -3 days later) although this was a few years back so my times might be off a bit. However I will never forget the panicked phone calls to my vet saying OMG my horse is dying she kept saying no I told you about the side effects I said ya I didnt think they would be like this. But again once more not to scare you she reall was within an hour or so she was back to normal with no ill effects

We have also used I am almost positive it was estromate which did the same thing (although not as strong) vet said sometimes it takes a couple tries to get it to work. It did work for us first time and the side effects were NO WHERE near as bad.

Given the choice I would choose the estromate if I chose to go that route again. However now at this stage for ME AND ME ALONE when the time is right they will be ready and if not this year then next but again that is just me and where I am at at this point
I used it a coup;e of times, but I felt so sorry for the mares I stopped using it.They were soaking wet from sweat and shaking badly.Now I just breed when they are ready according to the stallion.
I too would like to add that the side effects of lutalyse bother me. Maybe it is harder for us women to watch our mares as we know how it feels but I dont care to put my mare through that.

Saying that I have had a mare hardly have any effect by it as well but the ones that do make up for it in my book.

My vet and I discussed the newer alternatives and Lisa I think that is the one she mentioned.
If you give Prostaglandin under the skin, rather than into the muscle, the side effects are almost nonexistant.
We have never used Lutalyse on the minis but have been considering it for one of them. We use it frequently with the cattle with zero reactions like some of you have had with minis. I am wondering if a smaller dose would get the job done with less side effects? I did not get a label to read before posting this but will check it out. I would check with our vet before using on minis anyway.

I have used it twice with two mares who had false pregnancies to shock their systems back and the Vet gave the shots.


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