Thanks for that tip, Susanne. Definitely will be looking for those as summer comes.
Another miniature owner friend, who trains, has the wet kind. Her sister has the dry kind. Two in one family! We discussed it a little while out for a drive last week. My friend is legally blind. I asked her about the sunglasses, as she never wears them. She said she was supposed to, but they block so much light that she can't bear to wear them, since it restricts the vision even more. She said her macular has been stable for several years, with no change for the worse. I should have asked more about her sister, but we were navigating the trail and I got sidetracked.
btw, the trail was a little rough and it broke the welds of the wheels on my cart. Husband will have to reweld them. (Jerald runabout) Doesn't keep me from driving but there is a wiggle now. Also had to pick a few goathead stickers out. The wind was blowing about 20 mph, but it kept the horses cool. And what's a little blowing dirt when you're having fun?