Maine Miniature Club Clinic

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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2004
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Windham, Maine
The Maine Miniature horse club will be holding a hoof care and trimming clinic Sunday Oct 21 at Coopers Royal Heritage Farm in Windham, ME. Linda Best from Blessing Farm in Stratham, NH will be doing the clinic. Many of you know Linda is a full time Farrier and did clinics at the Nationals in Tulsa this fall. Plans are for clinic to start at 10 am, we will be having lunch and rap up in the afternoon.

Our plan is to cover basic hoof care and what to look out for. We know there are a large number of mini owners that are new.

Next level will cover more details on care and checking what your farrier does to give owners a better understanding what is being done and why. Differences in driving horses and halter etc. Problem correcting.

Final session would be towards those that do some or all of their own trimming work.

There will be a variety of horses here to be worked on including foals up thru aged (17+) mares.

We will allow a very limited number of horses to be brought in but you must get approval beforehand!!!

There will be a small fee to attend for MMHC members $5.00 to help cover lunch and clinician fees.

Mark and Gaylene Cooper

hmmm, I do my own horses hooves but sounds like an interesting clinic. I may see if I can come up if I'm free that day- sounds fun!


Love to have you stop up. We are planning to have quite a variety of horses to have Linda work on and give advice on what is needed.

You will be getting wonderful advice, it would behoove( :eek: ) anyone to come Linda really is the best of the best.

Take the time you won't be sorry.

You will be getting wonderful advice, it would behoove( :eek: ) anyone to come Linda really is the best of the best.

Take the time you won't be sorry.

Just had our equine dentist out today for a few and she thought clinic was a great idea. She is forwarding info to a farrier friend that does minis but wants to learn more specific info on minis.

Anyone interested in bringing a foundered horse to have looked at for education of the group?


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