cordially invites you to attend our early show season preparation clinic on
Saturday February 14, 2009, 10:00 AM
at Blessing Farm, Stratham, NH.
Clinician will be Linda Best. Linda comes to us with numerous years of experience as a farrier as well as owning, showing and training multiple AMHR National Grand Champion horses.
Topics to be covered include but are not limited to: Hoof trimming and hoof care, training and working for shows, round pen work, early season show preparations, show ring procedures, what the judges are looking for and any other topic that comes up.
Cost: $5.00 per person.
Pot luck lunch.
ALL are Welcome! Not only will there be a lot to learn but a great excuse to see your mini friends you haven't seen all winter!
We hope you can make it!
Please RSVP to Brenda at [email protected]
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