Making height perminant ...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Green Springs Ohio
On Royals ASPC papers it says something about Heal and Max Heal ....what are those?

I know it has something to do with his height, i just dont know the difference.

Also, how do i get his perminant height on his papers. I most likely wont be getting this done untill the end of Aug. since he has a show July 20th and then the middle of Aug. so i dont want to send his papers in right now, im going to wait untill all the showing is done since i'll need them at the show.

He is 6yrs old so i'm sure i could get his perminent height on the papers ..right?

He was measured last month at a show, would he need to get meaured agian to get his height on his papers if i still have the measuring paper from the show?


Leeana H.
Good Morning Leeana,

First, All Shetland papers are already permanent unlike Miniature where they won't get their permanent papers until they are three years old.

If your Shetland is already six (reached his actual sixth birthday), then at the next show you need to let the Show Steward know so they can mark the measurement card form for a permanent card. You will receive that permanent card from the office and that card will stay with his Registration papers. At the first show of each year he will be measured for that year and the height and heel measurement will be recorded on the back of his permanent card dated and initial by the Show Steward. Congress is the only other show that ALL Shetlands WILL BE REMEASURED for that show just like the Miniatures do at the AMHR Nationals.

I don't carry my original registration papers to the shows. I make a second binder with all of the horses that we will be showing that year with copies of their registration papers, the original permanent measuremant card, their original coggins and their health papers. This way I don't loose those important papers and have everything I need at my fingertip.

Karen Shaw

Fiddlestix Miniatures & Shetlands

Burleson Texas
You will receive that permanent card from the office and that card will stay with his Registration papers. At the first show of each year he will be measured for that year and the height and heel measurement will be recorded on the back of his permanent card dated and initial by the Show Steward.
You know, I've often wondered about this ...
: ... ponies w/out a permanent card have to be measured at the first show, but then don't have to be measured at any other shows that year except Congress.

So how does getting a permanent card gain us anything if they still need to be measured at the first show and congress, just like ponies w/out the card?
Hi Ronalee,

Shetland papers unlike Miniature's don't go through the process of updating from Temporary to Permanent. All Shetlands will receive a permanent Height card when they turn 6 years old (see my prior post). Miniatures

who are updated from Temporary to Permanent at the age of 3 (AMHR) they will also receive their permanent height card at that time. They too must have an annual measurement at the beginning of the show season.

With that permanent card you don't have to stand around with your horses at the Stewards table. It is at the descretion of the show Steward that they have the right to inspect your pony at anytime during the check-in period at any show. Most of the time, when your pony has a permanent card, your health papers, copy of your registration and coggins is all they need. When you have a pony that doesn't have a permanent card, that pony must be measured and all paperwork inspected against that pony.

ASPC Congress and the AMHR Miniature Nationals, ALL horses are required to be remeasured even if they hold a permanent card.

Karen Shaw

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