Thanks for the fabulous compliments. I really like Manny too. I have him for sale but am thinking I should geld him and make him my Super G gelding.
Everytime I go down to the barn / pasture, I just watch him, can't take my eyes off him. He is so neat.
Erica, I'll give Jinx a hug and a kiss from you! I can't thank you enough for him, I love him to pieces.
MB, yes Manny is a palomino.
Jill, I have no running man on my dial.
Before I decided to buy this camera I talked to a salesperson and told him that I wanted a good camera to take action shots with and some video and he told me this camera would do it. I hope so, guess I'll have to find time to read the manual.
Sheryl, Karla (Barnbum) has the same camera as you and she's saying you change the setting through the menu. I think mine is almost identical "on the inside". It's the next generation of it and I bought the S3 based on how pleased Karla is with her S2.
But, then, Manny (and Jinx) can't take a bad picture anyhow :bgrin :bgrin :bgrin
Thanks again everyone for the compliments. I can't wait for April for the last two foals that I am expecting for this year, only 3 more months! :bgrin
Jill, I know I looked briefly at the S3 and I don't think there was that much difference between the two of them and that is why I went with the S2. I just have to find time to learn how to work it, I don't know when that'll happen as I am carrying 21 credit hours this semister.