Manure tail stains

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cindy ann

New Member
May 2, 2010
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I recently purchased a 2 yr. old filly that has HORRIBLE urine/manure stains on her white tail. Any ideas on how to get it white again? Thanks so much.
Vinegar and baking soda works pretty good, but is a bit drying, so you need to shampoo and condition afterwards.

Wet the tail, add baking soda (just regular baking soda), rub into the tail, then pour white vinegar over it. [Might want to put the tail in a bucket if you can to contain the liquid.] The vinegar and baking soda will react causing bubbles and effervescence. Rinse the tail thoroughly, then wash with shampoo and conditioner. It might take a couple tries, but I wouldn't do too much in one day, as its drying.
I have had luck with oxy clean and then I use dandruff shampoo with conditioner. Scrub a dub dub.
I too have been working on a few that have not so white tails from not being bathed all winter. Geeze it doesnt take long to get them yucky but it does seem to take a few washes to get them back to white. Ive been using oxy clean..letting it really sit in for awhile with lots of scrubby dubby followed by really rinsing super well then conditioner. Its been about 4 washes in the past month but the oxy has really done a good job...its just time consuming.

I do try to not get any soap on the actual tail bone.

Will say however I do have a couple that are really starting with the tail rubbing crap...not sure if I should associate this with the oxy perhaps??? I have thought I was rinsing really well but who knows...maybe still not enough

If I might add. You have to be careful using any dish washing detergent to the tail. Dishwashing soap will actually blister the skin. You have to make sure to rinse it out really well. They actually use dish soap to water blister racehorses stifles. It will actually peel the hair right off of them.

I also them out with head and shoulders shampoo and conditioner.
I think there is a thread on the "Best" forum on this. I use cat urine remover for carpets. But make sure it doesn't get on the tail bone or legs, etc. I put the tail in a AI glove to soak it for a good while, then wash and condition.
....and whatever you do -- DO NOT USE BLEACH....

I've not done it, but know of others who did on their horse's tail and half of their horse tail dried up and started breaking off every time they brushed it!
A friend of ours told us to use Go Jo hand cleaner. It works awesome, but when you are done condition thoroughly. It is available at any automotive store or in the auto section at Wal Mart. It works awesome!!!!
Cowboy magic green spot remover! Thats whats it's made for!! It works wonderful on my 2 white horses and my other with a Flaxen main and tail! So I have 3 that get yucky everytime you turn around! I love it and am very happy with the way it works!

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