I need to change the lightbulb in Chippy's stall, I think she would be able to hide too much in Babe's stall since there is a large blind corner, they dont hide in the blind corner where Chippy is because that is where the water bucket and feed is so not comfy place to lay. Once I get the light changed it should be lots better. I just keep forgetting to take a new bulb out there, I promise I will try and do that in a bit when I go out LOL! It has worked well though having Babe in the blind stall since she tends to hang at the back of her stall. Well I better get out there and make some happy horses by turning them out to play before our weather gets yucky again, supposed to rain for 4 days starting tonight! I can only hope it is true as we desperately need moisture! Will be perfect weather for foaling though with the storms and such!