Marathon gestation here...

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[SIZE=14pt]How tall is this mare? From the side she looks pregnant but from the back she just looks fat in the belly.. also if she was anywhere close to foaling her hip points would be noticeable also. A poofy pouch can also be due to fat....remember Image last year..... I swore she was bred, her udder was even puffy and she was only fat.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]How tall is this mare? From the side she looks pregnant but from the back she just looks fat in the belly.. also if she was anywhere close to foaling her hip points would be noticeable also. A poofy pouch can also be due to fat....remember Image last year..... I swore she was bred, her udder was even puffy and she was only fat.[/SIZE]

Hi Lyn, She is 30 and 1/4 inches.
[SIZE=14pt]For a mare that small to be that pregnant she should be much WIDER than she is.... I would be very surprized if she is pregnant but .... I was also wrong about Timmy~[/SIZE]

I am probably worng...I was wrong last year, and Marty has Timmy to prove it!
LOL.....that's why I'm not playing this game, Mona. I was wrong abt Timmy as well!
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll let you know what my vet says Wednesday. Hope it's good news!
386 days here. Baby was fine, not much of a bag on mom. Had to help a little but baby was very healthy, me on the other hand had to take a year vacation!! I"m breeding back this year, hang in there, my whole family was going crazy. Thought she went in labor one night, came running out of the bedroom, the barn moniter woke us up, tripped and was bruised from head to toe. Thought I broke my arm. Hubby suggested we take a year off from babies.
What does your mare`s tummy feel like?? I have found by this stage if she is pregnant, when you press the flat of your hand against the lowest point underneath there is no give if she is pregnant and is really hard.
386 days here. Baby was fine, not much of a bag on mom. Had to help a little but baby was very healthy, me on the other hand had to take a year vacation!! I"m breeding back this year, hang in there, my whole family was going crazy. Thought she went in labor one night, came running out of the bedroom, the barn moniter woke us up, tripped and was bruised from head to toe. Thought I broke my arm. Hubby suggested we take a year off from babies.
: 386
: Was it a huge baby? How big was your mare?

What does your mare`s tummy feel like?? I have found by this stage if she is pregnant, when you press the flat of your hand against the lowest point underneath there is no give if she is pregnant and is really hard.
Thanks, her belly does feel hard.
but I still can't feel a baby moving
Guess I just have some more waiting to do.
You might try getting the clippers out and just hold them running on her belly. If there's a baby in there, that will get them moving!

I can usually tap the belly of the mare with my hand and get a baby to move too!
Thats a good one Becky! :bgrin Only with mine I did not even need the clippers to wake it up...All I did was kneel beside her and since she is shedding she LOVES to be scratched so I was scratching pretty firmly under her belly back and forth (from front to back) almost to the enlarged gland in front of her bag and she was thouroghly enjoying it when all of the sudden the baby woke up :lol: and started doing flips in there and was kicking up a storm :lol: :bgrin and the mare just looked at me like what did you just do! :bgrin :lol:
: It was hillarious to watch.. So the baby I take it, is laying on its back so when I did that to the mare I think it must have ticked it or something because it sure was jumping around in there for a good minute or so.. :new_shocked: :lol: That was really the first time on this mare that I had actually seen movement. I had felt it but never seen it.

Maybe try that if your mare likes scratches and especially in that area. Most all of mine love to be scratched there because they can not reach that area to scratch it with out help. :bgrin


You might try getting the clippers out and just hold them running on her belly. If there's a baby in there, that will get them moving!

I can usually tap the belly of the mare with my hand and get a baby to move too!
386 days here. Baby was fine, not much of a bag on mom. Had to help a little but baby was very healthy, me on the other hand had to take a year vacation!! I"m breeding back this year, hang in there, my whole family was going crazy. Thought she went in labor one night, came running out of the bedroom, the barn moniter woke us up, tripped and was bruised from head to toe. Thought I broke my arm. Hubby suggested we take a year off from babies.
: 386
: Was it a huge baby? How big was your mare?

What does your mare`s tummy feel like?? I have found by this stage if she is pregnant, when you press the flat of your hand against the lowest point underneath there is no give if she is pregnant and is really hard.
Thanks, her belly does feel hard.
but I still can't feel a baby moving
Guess I just have some more waiting to do.
My mare is 33.50. the foal was a little on the bigger side, but not overly big.
[SIZE=18pt]We had a mare go 388 days last year! She delivered a very tiny colt that was 15" tall and weighted just 18 lbs. The mare was 28" tall and the sire was 25" tall![/SIZE]

Here's a pic of the colt! Heza Silver Bullet aka (BB)

Here's mine from last year and she was just a couple weeks over if that. I thought she would explode.


and here is her filly a couple weeks after the picture was taken. She looked to be a B/W Pinto but clipped out to be a Blue-roan Pintoloosa.


Wow, great pictures! Keep 'em coming! Guess there are more of you marathoners out there than I thought. Glad to know I'm not alone.
No experience of Mini Marathons here, I have enough trouble persuading them to go over 300
: , but I had an Arab go a full 365 days. The foal was HUGE (Well, TALL anyway!!) but the birth was normal and everything was fine.
I'm with you mares usually foal in the "below average" gestation range. (299 - 315 days)

I can't imagine having to wait another two full months for a foal to arrive! :new_shocked:
OK, 355 days now
: Thank you all for the replies and photos, but no one had an opinion on how accurate you think the blood pregnancy tests are? Has anyone experienced a "false positive"? I would really love to hear your views on that.
Also in a case of false pregnancy, how long would she go on with it? Would the vet have to do something to "stop" a false pregnancy? I'll feel so bad if she's not pregnant and I've turned her into a fatty from the all the extra food these past months.
I had a maiden go 362 days before it was awful well for me anyway
: but all was fine she had a filly
[SIZE=14pt]a low positive reading can come from a mare that has a follicle ready to burst out an egg..... yes there can be false positives or what some call slightly positive. Depends on if they do an estrogen sulfate test or a progesterone test. Some are only acurate durring a window of time. If she is not pregnant but having a false one they can give regumate for a couple of weeks and then stop it to bring her in heat or they can also give her an injection to bring her in.[/SIZE]


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