I actually had a chance to start it earlier today. Not too much of it (taking a "break" from the JD Robb novels that I'm loving, but the characters are set now, so I can "branch out" for a spell). I can already tell that I am going to LOVE this book. I'm listening to it, and the narrator is really good for it if anyone else also listens to their books. I have a feeling this one is something I will recommend to my mom
I ordered mine today from Amazon. I can't wait until it gets here, although right now I'm reading Practical Magic and I'm just not reading it fast enough, so a few days for delivery will actually be a good thing. I'm glad that you're liking it so far. I hope that it will be a good choice for everyone.
Yes! When I started reading it one night and couldn't wait for it to be morning so I could call and tell my mom, but she had already read it and loved it, too