Mare aborted last night

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Rotten luck, really, this sort of thing just sucks and I am so sorry for you.

The cord thing....well, it could be but you know what??

When a mare aborts a dead foal a lot goes on that does not happen when she gives birth to a live one, and a foal this small could easily have been flipped around and around in the womb before she managed to get it out.

So, it could have been a twisted cord, which would have killed the foal, or the foal might have died (this stuff happens) and the cord twisted as she tried to get it out.

Whatever happened the truth of it is that there was nothing at all you could have done to prevent it, I'm afraid.

Just rotten luck.
I am so sorry for your loss....
But I have to say the cord really looks twisted to me, and I would guess that it was the cause of losing the foal. So sorry.
Man that cord is twisted! I have never seen one like that. Sorry for your loss and I hope your mare is doing well.
I'm so sorry for your loss.

I would have to say that cord is VERY twisted, and most probably was the reason for the loss.
I am so sorry for your loss, I would guess its because of a twisted cord thats at leats what it looks like to me {{{HUGS}}}

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