I said I thought she looked 'slimmer' on her back end yesterday, but now I can see it from the side too! Yep she's slowly moving in the right direction Cassie, maybe moving more quickly than we thought? She's been extremely restless and active in her paddock today, causing me one or two worried moments as it is so difficult to see her when she's far away!
We'll keep a good eye on her for you tonight.
Your little dwarf lad is a real cutie - love his colouring too.
I think she is moving along nicely. Her bag is the next thing to start changing and yes I know that some mares can foal without it but they would be the exception to the rule more then the norm.
I wondered if Shimmer would get any kind of bag as you would have to dig for her teats earlier in the yr but she went for gold with her bag and dripping milk.
you are usually busy at this time Cassie but she does often go down around 19.30- 20.00 I am not sure how long she was down as I was eating lunch but it can't have been more than 15 minutes
Did Suzie just get up and then lay down again within a couple of minutes? I'm sure she was laying in a different position when I checked a few minutes ago? She doesn't look very comfortable when she's sternal does she, bless her!
Cassie, I know I read somewhere that you have to be very careful with dwarves when giving them a GA or sedation - something to do with them not being able to breathe properly when lying flat out on their sides for any length of time, their heads have to be raised or something. Perhaps there will be something about it on LB's Dwarf forum?
Chapella and Mummy and the kids have had a great day today, the girls stuffing themselves with grass and the babies whizzing round and round the field. But I did catch them all having a snooze early this morning in the sunshine (got a pic, will try to download it shortly) Tonight heavy rain is forecast, so I have shut them all in the barn together as I'm not too sure that the mares would bother to go in away from the rain and small boy - Mumoote - is not quite ready to withstand Welsh downpours!! Hope they will be OK coz the barn is 20 x 45 feet and the mares are best friends - have put hay all round the edges, so plenty fo all with no squabbling?
Just going to eat my supper, but will still be watching our Suz!