Mare ready to foal?

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Shes a real cutie in her winter wollies
Thanks Linda
she is SO soft at the moment too, I wish you could feel her
my constant brushing is helping

OKAY SUZIE!! I think I gave her one too many scratches she wants me to come back and do another poop pick up!!
what a measly little poo it was too... a little big of pacing just then, n then some butt rubbing, what I was trying to show you before LOL was that she is even more long and swollen behind tonight! ( know I keep saying this ) but she IS changing behind and even if I lift the tail she stays that way...

maybe she won't get a huge v?? would that be a bad thing? (I know I know more DUMB questions!!) sorry I am going to sleep now so I will read your comments when I wake up in the night thanks everyone for still putting up with me and watching the lovely Suzie!!
I think she is progressing nicely, her butt is dropping away and her tummy is lower and it looks like the foal is positioned cos the "lump" is towards the front. Not all girls get the "V" if you go and look at Britts photos that I posted a while back she doesn't have one put you can clearly see how the "lump" moved forward in the last few days. I do think that she will get some udder before foaling though but what do I know these girls are all different.
thankyou Renee,
I was thinking the 'lump' LOL was forward more thats what got me confused with Karina LOL sorry Karina I will keep a close eye on her udder, they certainly are different, today I looked at Penny udder and hoohaa and she is SO different to Suzie, where as Suzie had literally two teats and that was it before now as she is slowly gaining udder size, Penny has as big as Suzie does LOL and her Hoohaa shape WOW talk about different, cows are nearly always the same looking behind besides colouring of course but minis alter SO MUCH!! it is like watching a documentary EXCEPT BETTER!!! LOL

well I am really off to bed now LOL night all LOL
thanks for your comments and watching Suzie!!
Yes!!! Glad someone finally noticed tonight suzie has been breathing really heavily just while standing

Thank you Karen I had forgotten about it
she is trying to hide but she is too big
Her breathing has been like this for a few days now Cassie.
diane, Those are some really good V's. I dont want to talk PN on Suzis thread but PN never got as much of a pronounced V B/C I think I let PN get a little too heavy prior to her being preggo. Your little mares you can tell looked nice and slim from the back and all was on the bottom v..where as PN being too heavy still right up to the day she foaled ( I can say the word "foal" now )still carried alot of something, fat maybe on the sides...she never got the nice slim look yours have, with all of the baby in the v area.

Great shots....any idea how long after these pictures were taken your girls foaled.
Those are excellent examples Diane.

And here is Shimmer taken around 4pm and she foaled at 10pm


This is Slaney taken at around 2pm and she foaled just before midnight


I think Shimmer has more of a V shape then Slaney but still you can see the way her bump has the dipped look.

Suzie is getting closer with everyday that passes. Its just so hard when her previous owner cant even give you a foaling window.

But she is not carrying wide anymore and everything looks to be heading south so all in all we cant complain. As as she has foaled before and her previous owner has said she does bag before foaling then there should be no reason why she wont follow suit this time (but you cant rule out the mini factor LOL)
posted in the wrong thread.. silly me.. I fixed it

Suzie rest
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I agree Diane, Suz is the most peaceful sleeper I've ever seen.

Those are some good photos posted of the pre-foaling V.

I have one of Zoe but she's a taller mare so don't think it's relevant

plus she is totally Spring slicked out.

If I remember pages and pages back I asked Cass how tall Suz was and

I think she said 32" and she'd had 3 foals.

Her winter coat really makes it hard to determine her real size.

Be nice if Cass had like a full body slinky that would compress

her coat down so we could get a better feel of how she looks.

We know she's getting closer and closer but we're on such a roll

now be nice if everyone had their babies to hug.
Suzie resting quietly right now so thought I would catch up with some of the posts.

Cassie, stop worrying, Suz is progressing well and it wont be that long before he presents you with a darling little baby! She looks more dropped in your pics and the weight HAS moved forward from your last ones. Dont worry about her udder, it will 'catch up' when the time is right.

I think Shimmer looks more like Suzie - and she foaled within 4 hours!! We can only judge what Suzie's tummy is like through her thick coat, but she may only have a little bit of fluffy coat under her tummy, what we can see COULD be all foal tummy and very little coat. You will know better because you can actually feel her.

But she simply HAS to learn not to do her droppings across the middle of her stable! At the moment she will almost be laying with her face in a pile if she goes flat, and poor baby doesn't need to arrive straight into a pile of poo!! Naughty Suz.

Cassie, you know what a badger looks like dont you? They are not at all friendly, in fact as they only come out at night, you dont often see them anyway. They can also be quite 'dangerous' if they are cornered or threatened and would certainly inflict some nasty damage (or death) on a terrier stupid enough to try to visit one of their setts (homes). We did see one in daylight (a youngster) once - there is a pic of it on my website under 'on the farm - Sussex' if you want to look.

Just checked Suzie again and she is now flat out - just missed the pile of dropping!

Off now to do my boys - back in about an hour.
Don't lay in your poop Suzie!
There's poop right under your pretty little chin.

She has been peacefully laying down for a while.. taking a snooze
I'll post back to all the lovely posts later but duzie what are u doing??! Making such a mess of your stable while I have been sleeping!! I wanna go out n clean it up but I agree diane I think she is actually sleeping properly lol funny girl oh the little miss is up wow that was a quick wake up now she has me all sleepy again lol back to sleepy land
Well it is nearly breakfast time!

Suzie seemed less restless overnight compared with the last couple of nights and I'm thinking this might mean that the foal is now in a more comfortable position, maybe a bit more where SHE needs to be to proceed a little nearer to HER birth? At least Suzie has been able to get some long spells of proper sleep, which is good.

Did you manage to have a look at Lindy's mare's teat wax Cassie? It's not something that you see very often.

Well nearly time for my bed - feel really tired today for some reason. You said that you might be getting a cold Cassie? I hope it was just a false alarm and that you feel better this morning.

Nite nite all - have a good day Cassie - see you all tomorrow!
Morning everyone,

I just wanted to apologise to everyone on here in regards to my reaction to your comments on my photos, I am sorry for the way I acted and behaved, Thankyou for all the time and effort that you have all put in to watching Suzie for me, I am sure we are on the home stretch now, don't know how long it will be but we are getting there. and I can't guarantee that I won't get emotional again.

But I just wanted to let everyone know that I am sorry and I was being silly acting the way I did, you all know so much more then me regarding minis and breeding and I have enjoyed learning from you all, I'm sorry if it doesn't seem like it.

Please don't feel as though you have to soften what your thinking for me.

I'm just getting a little bit ok very scared that Suzie won't have had her foal, or will have it just before or while we are in Fiji, and I would hate that, so everytime I read a few more weeks thats what gets me upset, also the fact that everyone here is pestering me about this foal and how they are sure she isn't pregnant, they don't understand how hard it is when its my first foaling, I don't have ANY ideas of dates, I don't know anything much of how Suzie is when foaling.

So thankyou all and I'm sorry that for my attitude.

Not much to report with Suzie this morning, pretty much the same as the last few days... I think we are at a stand still LOL
well I better get ready for work or else I'll be late.

Thankyou all again.


night Anna, Night Renee

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