Mare ready to foal?

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So glad they have found out what was troubling your Aunt, Cassie - not nice, but now at least they can make plans to get her better.

Suz doing her latest snooze in her usual place, but the naughty girl has done a pile of droppings between her and the door this time!

Cathy bought another two of our mares back here this morning - one is the teenage daughter of our foundation 'head' mare, so is pretty much a 'semi head' mare herself, and the other is a small girl who was always well down the pecking order until last year, when I think she suddenly realised that she had arrived at 'double figures' age wise and was therefore not the down trodden, mind your p's and q's little person any more. She changed into a bossy little madam overnight! LOL!! Been watching them all out of my window this afternoon as they all got settled again with the two returnees. Very funny! 'Semi head' immediately went to her Mom for a mutual hello again/scratching session and then wandered off, closely followed by two of her own daughters, who she insisted on ignoring. LOL!! Little bossy britches, trotted around with her ears back pulling faces at everyone including three of her daughters who had rushed over to say hello - poor girls were a bit upset!! Mares eh?

All quiet now and I'm off to do the boys and get sorted for the evening.
4.59am and down she goes! Felt a bit sorry for her little foal as Suz did sort of 'fall' to the floor. LOL!!
lol silly suzie, good thing she has so much bedding poor little foal!! Dear baby foal you would be better on the outside mummy can't fall to the ground n hurt you if you come out n play with me

LOL!! She did go with a bit of a plop didn't she, and she usually takes her time, picks and chooses her spot and then seems to drop slowly and quite gracefully to the straw!

Must be getting near breakfast time!
Suzie out for the day, her udder certainly isn't uneven this morning and has changed again yipee!!

I will post the pics at lunch time as its statement day today and I will be flat out all day
I don't even get to have my early thursday lol oh well...

Suzie is changing little bits each night now, they aren't very good pics as she kept on wanting scratches lol but at least you get the idea

will post them at lucnh seeyou
Morning all.

Watched Suzie for a short while last night before I logged off - saw the lovely Cassie giving her brushes while Suz was guzzling her brekkers and Cassie also had a camera in her knew we were going to get pics today!! Hurry home Cassie and get them on here - we need to see the 'changes' however small they may be.

Off to do my boys - then have the chimney sweep coming (ugh!) to get the chimneys sorted ready for the winter as it is getting a bit chilly here. Need to get the old range fired up coz I am missing the nice hot radiator in the bathroom to warm my towel on before I have my shower!! Also our old cottage with its thick walls is beginning to feel colder inside than it is outside. The walls keep us warm in the winter once the range is going to heat the place up, and cool in summer as the heat slowly goes out of them, but it does take a couple of weeks of inside 'range' heat to get these old walls to warm themselves up!

Happy September my friends.
Thanks Anna, Happy September to you too

Be a good girl with the chimney sweep
they ask.... I give

As requested my dearest friends here are LOTS of pics hehe I went a little crazy sorry Suz your ****s are all over the net tonight hehe love you baby girl!

oh comparison from last photos of course
ok so comparison date from 29th it will be good for me too to see them side by side with the new photos hopefully they turned out alright and you can see the changes I can see !!

ok first pic29th


this morning






some more better udder pics from today
those others weren't very good sorry lol




hooha pics, 29th...


n this morning


n tummy, I think she can still drop some more, but maybe changes ... hmmm





gotta get my hair cut be back shortly
hold on lol posted the same pic twice will repost those two after hair cut lol sorry bleh silly me!! I don't see much changes with those ones ROFL!!!
Yer i had to look twice and thought there the same picture
suzie is looking heaps different maybe a couple of

wks away.......
ok well... I'm off to bed... guess who I saw when checking on Suzie!!! GRRRRR

the rat!!!! yuck yuck yuck!!

Father it is time to get the rat bait out!! yes I will let you do it tomorrow! but I want that rat gone!!!!

lol I hate rats!

on that note lol goodnight

hope you all enjoy the photos comments are most welcome!! I think she is finally getting somewhere !
She IS moving forward Cassie, but the changes are small and, unless she has a sudden 'surge' forward, then I think Suz has a little way to go yet - sorry!
She IS moving forward Cassie, but the changes are small and, unless she has a sudden 'surge' forward, then I think Suz has a little way to go yet - sorry!
It's ok Cassie, Stormy is the same way.... Slow and small changes......

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