Mare ready to foal?

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Suzie is starting to get a pointing tummy
****ies are growing too. yahhoooooooooooooo

Penny does have a tummy
I think Suzie's filly is going to have a friend
I was excited when I put them up for comparison
couldn't really see the changes till I did that

so do you think she will bless me before with her foal before I go away... I am ready for the news LOL

Penny's tummy has gotten bigger.... I'll just have to wait n see I guess, oh joy another guessing game, whether or not she is in foal LOL

I'm hoping with lots of love n attention Penny will settle down, it hasn't been a year yet that I have had them... but I will see lol

thanks for taking a peek at my girls

I'm so excited for Suzie's baby!!
SUzie down sternal with some VERY heavy breathing Moving her whole body!!!
about to go down flat now I think... no... not yet... hmmm

I wonder where Anna is today?
Maybe you could get Penny scanned? Or at least tested to see if there is somthing on board? Just to remove some of the guessing.

I'm cheating with my unknown, I put her out to be teased by the stallion! If she reacts I can rebreed her and if she doesn't I have a foal
now flat... watching her breathing... I was about to go get a shower lol don't want to now just in case...

Thanks Bree
I might do that...

ok... she looks to be resting, I'm going to get a quick shower... if any of you see anything... please let me know thanks
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I am here watching Cassie.

With these girls it is hard to say as they all vary but I have Britt who swells in front of her udder at least a month before starting to grow her udder which takes about 2 weeks. Kim who starts an udder 3 weeks before and Odette who always seems to have a small udder that grows a week before.

I would get Penny scanned bc I like to know what I need to feed them. When Kim threw me a surprise baby she was not fat enough and milking really dragged her down. Our winters are REALLY cold and with their long winter coats it is hard to see if they are well covered on not. I up their feeds to help them keep warm but if they are pregnant they need even more.

I think I am woffling, sorry.

P.S Suzie's booty is really changing
no your not woffling Renee!!

every bit of info you give me is SO helpful!! I think I will get the vet out the day after Suzie foals to make sure Suzie has passed everything ok, I might get him to test Penny aswell
also if Penny is in foal... though if she is she still has a way to go I will need to seperate her from Smartie as the time draws near... lol but I will cross that bridge IF i come to it lol right now I'm concentrating on my beautiufl Suzie n her baby
n of course Penny n Smartie hehe.

now I'm waffling LOL

her booty is changing isn't it
I just noticed it aswell

well I'm going to bed now.

night all thanks for watching Suzie cam

morning Diane n Anna
night my aussie friends
If you want the vet to examine the placenta and bag then wrap it in a towel and place it in a bucket of cold water in the laundry. Preserves the bag, avoids the smell!
Shes still standing..dont think shes gona risk laying down until shes really tired must be hard work getting back up now
Sorry my friends - had a bit of a day and not had time to get to the old laptop!

Such a nice day here I just had to get out and start some work on the jungle I call a garden, then around lunchtime Cathy arrived, bringing back another mare and three of the yearlings, so quick sort out of fields, deciding where we wanted them to go, then we changed our minds, more re-shuffling etc etc. Eventually got things sorted, hopefully with everyone happy with their new arrangements!!

Then spent an hour with Cathy sorting out some AMHA papers, and by that time it was teatime and the day had gone.

So am just catching up........WOW Cassie, Suzie is certainly showing some progress - in fact quite a lot of progress.
Now another set of pictures in four days time should really show how fast she is moving??

As for the sweet Penny, hummmmm.....well, yes, I think you could find yourself with another little baby to love and care for.
I am glad you are o.k Anna, how wonderful to have a nice day.

Hi Diane
I hope you are well

Suzie is at the door and looking a bit restless.

I am off to put the kids to bed, if I don't fall asleep with them I will pop in later
LOL!! Diane - she sure does love her food.

Sorry Cassie, not been much use with the Suzie watching today, and now having had a shower and something to eat, I find I'm in need of my bed!

So nite nite all - have a good day Cassie. I will try to be around more tomorrow.
no worries Anna, I'm just glad everything is ok

p.s whoever rang me last night when the cam was down THANKYOU!
computer restarted itself so camera went down...

Suzie's udder is a little bigger again this morning

Diane we leave 4:30am the 27th September, Suzie has 11 days to make her baby known

please baby girl! your so close!!!

I think I better just have mid wife backup just in case... lol its definitley a nail biter!! LOL

ok another 4 days n I'll take some more pics....

will be working at the vets tomorrow, and I'm on call on Sunday, its also my mums 50th birthday, so will be a busy weekend, she was hoping for a foal for her birthday, sorry mum don't know if its going to happen LOL

glad you all had a good day, get a good night sleep

she definitley LOVES her food LOL
meant to be 30 degrees, on the weekend, I gues we will find out if the warm weather brings on foaling!!
let it be true, lol let it be true!!!!
meant to be 30 degrees, on the weekend, I gues we will find out if the warm weather brings on foaling!!
let it be true, lol let it be true!!!!
rain here every day ....

I thought the same with the weather,, may put them off foaling

hope the sunny days make suzie foal

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