Mare ready to foal?

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ok headed to bed, Fuss hasn't loaded the pics yet, might try n do it tomorrow...

oh I forgot to add earlier, Suzie's bag was the tiniest bit bigger then when I put her to bed, so hopefully fingers crossed, she will be big again by morning!!!

night all!!
After a reasonably normal night with one or two nice long sleeps, Suzie suddenly seems a bit concerned about something over her door again? Perhaps it is Smartie and Penny out in the paddock?
Or, as she is now rummaging crossly around in her bedding, perhaps it is because she thinks her breakfast should be arriving LOL!!
She can't resist her hunger pains anymore so she has decided to eat her bed. Lol
Sounds like you have a good list of back ups if she hasnt foaled Cassie. Well done.

Even if they arent all happy to have their phone numbers displayed on here - maybe ask if you can just give them to Nathan, then if he has any questions, concerns, or thinks she is foaling, he will have plenty of people to call if he needs advise or help.

Ok Suzie, hoping Cassie comes on and tells us you have a big full udder this morning
ok, I agree she was more comfy last night, lying down everytime I checked on her! even at 5am!! she was lying down!! good girl!

there was a time when through my bleary eyes I thought she was doing a butt tuck but, maybe not lol

her udder is bigger this morning, left **** is prob same size as Sunday again, right **** is a little behind LOL poor Suz has uneven ****ies!! LOL

hopefully they will even out over the day, this is what she did on Sunday so... fingers crossed everyone and please keep the prayers coming!!! the Lord is looking after us! my fave verse at the moment (ties in with everything lol)

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways submit to him,

and he will make your paths straight."

everytime I'm doubting, I think of that verse n He gives me peace! our God is so awesome!!!

Suzie is VERY relaxed behind n so soft to touch! whole butt moves all over the place :laughter: poor Suz, she does seem to be sunk in a little at the flanks... not sure if this is normal for getting close... but just a change I noticed this morning!

will be checking on her during the day... come on Suz,

6 days!!!!!!!!!!!
That's ok, stormy's udders are usually uneven too. Poor girls, but they obviously have no problem gettin a boyfriend! Haha. Yes Cassie our God is awesome! Amen to that, and thanks for the verse, I can think upon it too.
That's ok, stormy's udders are usually uneven too. Poor girls, but they obviously have no problem gettin a boyfriend! Haha. Yes Cassie our God is awesome! Amen to that, and thanks for the verse, I can think upon it too.
glad to be of assistance

too right about them not having problems in the guy department!! LOL

hoping Suzie will fill up during the rest of the day!

she is SO relaxed behind this morning, n red around the lips, she has always been pink not red! (if that makes sense...

hoping the next few days!!!
Oh cassie iam praying for you to ...this is gunna be the worst holiday for you if she doesnt foal before you go

and then if she does foal your not gunna wonna leave the foal ...i feel for you would hate to be in your situation

how long you going for???????
lol as long as she has the foal before I go I'll have the best holiday!!

cos I know that the foal is safe n on the ground!

we are going for 7 days! from tuesday the 27th till tuesday the 4th
will be so much fun! going on Sunday to get some new cossies!!

Suzie has been holding her tail up really high all day today!

does everyone like the new camera angle?!
no more tilty heads n sore necks!! LOL

she hasn't lay down outside for the past 3 days!!
lol as long as she has the foal before I go I'll have the best holiday!!

cos I know that the foal is safe n on the ground!

we are going for 7 days! from tuesday the 27th till tuesday the 4th
will be so much fun! going on Sunday to get some new cossies!!

Suzie has been holding her tail up really high all day today!

does everyone like the new camera angle?!
no more tilty heads n sore necks!! LOL

she hasn't lay down outside for the past 3 days!!
Oh tail up could be tonight

oh 7 days thats not to bad

iam hoping you have a great holiday and i wont to see looks of pictures....
haha there will definitley be LOTS of pics!!!!
... wish it was longer we were going away, but given the circumstances I'm glad its not LOL n besides if I like it I can always go back!! LOL
I have to get the vet out!
Smartie I think has had a reaction to something in his eye! its SO swollen!

Penny also has a scratch above her eye! I tell ya she has to do everything the same as him!! LITERALLY!

I might get her to see how much further she thinks Suzie has...

she is coming later this arvo,

so I will be in and out a little bit... poor Smartie, he is so miserable!!
Oh Cassie I am sorry to hear about Penny and Smarties troubles.

Thanks for finally straightening the outside cam
Good Morning Cassie saw you n Suzie having a chat just now..I was watching on and off yesterday but didnt get chance to post..I really needed to get some cleaning done around here
..thankflly at last the sun is going to shine today so lotsa outside jobs to be done before the rain comes again
Hope all goes well with the vet

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