Mare ready to foal?

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I'm back, about to go check Suzie get changed then go to the party!! I'm exhausted worked an 11 hr day and had to do 6 hours of surgery.

so won't be staying at the party too long and besides I don't want to chance Suzie foaling without me!!!
welcome home and sorry you have had a rough day
I am sure you will have fun at the party
Well I see Suzie is in one piece too - maybe she also needs a letter from Santa.

Happy Birthday to your Dad Cassie.

Hope you get to rest tomorrow Cassie.

I am going to a hen party tonight but wont be going till all my kiddies are tucked up in bed and will only go for an hr or two. Luckily its just down the road so not too far to travel.
Good morning and Goodnight, ladies!

Cassie I hope you get some rest. Sorry you had a long day. I was a vet nurse/assistant before I had my daughter and some days were definitely draining. Hope your dad had a Happy Birthday and enjoy the party!

I see Miss Suzie is quietly grazing in her stall. Is that black dish in the lower corner her food?

It will be quite a boring day here in our house. Watching Bambi with my daughter till she naps then waiting for my husband to come home. I will be watching our ladies and doing housework (booooo) as usual.

I sent a request to join the marestare message board but my account is not activated.. still. Since Cassie is overseas who will be able to call her to alert her to Suzies soon to be foaling?
Hi Megan!! n everyone just got home zzzzzzzzzz LOL I blew you all a kiss did you see??

Megan I LOVE BAMBI!!! it just came out on blue ray here n have watched it so many times!! I'm a sucker for anything Disney hehe

Suzie hasn't changed since the last few ngihts...

yes Megan I hung it back on her gate just in case she decides to have her foal

Renee, has my number is wonderful and has already rang me once and msgd me quite a few times LOL Heather, the owner of marestare has also rang me, I do keep barn alarm up on full volume and have always woken up to the sound of it so far, LOL

well I am falling asleep while writing this so I'm off to bed thanks for watching ladies and all the well wishes, Dad had a great day!! he even did more work on my stable and it is looking BRILLIANT!!!!! I love you my Daddy!!!

well its actually sunday morning here now
hoping for a sleep in tomorrow,

night all!!
1:33 your time - browsing for food

and you sound like you should be sawing logs after your day Cassie.

Darn uneventful night for the night shift/or were they the morning shift.

I'm confused, AGAIN. Midnight shift, Pacific Daylight time, anyway.
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I did see you in with Suzie and the kiss

My daughter loves Bambi. She will ask for Black Beauty, Charlotte's Web, Flicka, Ratatouille, Nemo and Bambi. I like them all

Miss Suzie is up, still very quiet.

Glad there are so many wonderful people involved in the mare stare cam and this thread
Megan don't forget The Barn Yard, that is my all time favourite.

Madam is back down resting again.
2:50 Suzie time..

I like her position, laying flat on her side but not

seeing anything productive happening.

Well, foo, she is up again, browsing for food.
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Michael just said we're making a trip to Olympia to do some grocery shopping.

Who needs to eat....doesn't he know we've things 'happening' here.

Well, that's a big lie, I guess LOL

Last night he was cute, though....I had to go do a breathing treatment and asked

him to sit with his laptop and watch, the girls, while I was doing that.

He kept yelling me updates about what they, were/were not doing......

Think he's a keeper/better humour him with keeping food in the house...

He's the eater.

Be around for a bit longer though.
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I have never seen The Barn Yard!

My littlest one does not want to nap today but I think she's tuckering out. I showed her videos of minis in shows in liberty classes and she loved it. I love watching those videos!
Hi, welcome to the mad house! The marestare is http://www.marestare...alias=kingspark.

If this doesn't conect for you then scroll to page 8 on this topic and the 'conection' is there for you.

Hi watching friends. Sorry missed most of tonight for Suzie - although did keep checking in. My day went to pot LOL!! Morning with Cathy was ok, but got a bit late home as had to help move some young cows around. Did a bit of gardening during the afternoon, short rest, teatime boys and then went to walk the fields with M. Was on my way back through a field of hay length grass when I passed a pile of fresh droppings where no dropping should be found?? Ah ha! there's been someone here sneakily, I thought. Looked about, no sign. Thought, better leave here and go check the mares (half of their 25 acres run alongside these three 'hay' fields) I might have an escapee? Just leaving the field when I looked over the slight slope towards the water tank and there I saw it! The escapee was almost hidden from view munching away on the long grass as fast as was horsily possible. LOL!! Madly refusing to PANIC, I walked all the way back to the house, collected yards of string (what would we all do without good old baler twine when needing to do quick fence repairs!) scissors and a halter.

Back over the fields again to the 'dodgy' fencing (it is a bit dodgy I'm afraid) but couldn't find a gap or a hole anywhere. Still I tied some string to it in places and hoisted it up to the big overhanging trees to tighten it up, to the interest of about half my mares, who of course came to the fence to see what I was doing! They told me that they were just looking, but I know they were hoping that I would move along to another gate and let them through to 'sample' the long 'hay' field. (These three hay fields are left to grow up all summer, coz we use them for the winter months, once the grass has died/become just bulk food, for the herd - great last winter when we were covered with over a foot of snow, they all had a great time/kept lovely and warm scratching and digging through the snow for the long forage - inspite of having huge round bales of hay available!)

Fence repaired, I caught the little varmit and lead it back through two other fields and shoved it back through the gate and in with its friends. Of course it just happened to be our smallest, fattest mare, who really didn't need to be out grazing on long fresh grass - little tyke! She shot off into her field and scampered off with the rest of the herd chasing after her, wanting to hear all about her adventure.

Got back to the house, exhausted, just as dark was falling, and in great need for food and a cuppa. Poor M was two hours late with her evening meal, the cats were all complaining, and I missed my fav tv programme of the week! Grrrrr!!

Still at least Suzie didn't foal! LOL!!
What an eventful day for you Anna!

Not so eventful for Suzie and Peanut
Sounds like a full day, Anna.

What these guys don't do to keep us exercising and

our hearts beating at a rat a tat tat.

Our tallest mare, Lady (in avatar) can skinny her way

thru most any spot where she thinks she might find a more

tasty morsel......Probably has something to do with the

fact she's been in the fat girl pasture,

with friends though, since the lush grass has been coming

up, since March.

Sorry I didn't miss any foalings while I was grocery shopping....

I'm about for swing shift watch tonight....

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