Mare ready to foal?

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I rarely ever see Suzie close her eyes when she lays down. They always seem wide open. There was a long blink there but she never seems to sleep.
oh Anna, you have just made me dream of a 99 ice-cream. Flakes have to be the best things in the world (after potato chips)

I have "slices" of hay
Still no babies
its hard work all this excitment
Oh Nancy, nooooooooooooooooooooo! Does LB run to 500 pages on one topic????
Well -- if things continue going the way it is now, we will SURELY set a record, and Santa can bring us all our gifts!

Do we still get gifts from Santa?

I thought we were off his list Sunday at midnight!

OK 500 pages is do-able/easy that the deadline has been lifted - Only what 275 more to go.

Might have to file the calluses off our fingertips but do-able.
I don't know about you lot but I am bored with this now, I think I might jump on a plane and squeeze a few tummies, the problem is the cams, I might have to dress up as Santa so I don't get recognised.
Oh such a busy day today not even time for tea n bickies..kept looking in on the cams and was sure i was going to see a baby at some point from someone but thankfully not..its ok now girls im all eyes again and have all the time in the world but soon would be good
Suzie is up and looking for breakfast, maybe she wants tea and biscuits in bed
I am going to ask Cassie to take some more photos when she has time bc I think she has changed shape, she seems slab like this morning. A milk test would be good too
Just wrote one of my usual long epistles and the silly laptop (or maybe it was LB being funny?) refused to let me post it!!

So I'll be brief (LOL!!) Had to stop ooking my dinner as spotted escapee plus her little friend wandering once again where they had no business to be. Captured and put them in a different mini proof field (serves them right!!) Off I went to walk the whole fence distance - longest fence on the place of course - looking for the excape hole..................NO HOLE!! So great mystery, but will check again tomorrow with Cathy in case I missed it! Other 29 mares happily grzing away over the far side of the 25 acres not at all bothered by the escapees having escaped.

Just got back in, tired and with aching legs. Dinner is now back on the hob finishing cooking, so late eating tonight!

Suzie is looking for her breakfast - I swear she gets earlier with her hopes every day!

Just wrote one of my usual long epistles and the silly laptop (or maybe it was LB being funny?) refused to let me post it!!

So I'll be brief (LOL!!) Had to stop ooking my dinner as spotted escapee plus her little friend wandering once again where they had no business to be. Captured and put them in a different mini proof field (serves them right!!) Off I went to walk the whole fence distance - longest fence on the place of course - looking for the excape hole..................NO HOLE!! So great mystery, but will check again tomorrow with Cathy in case I missed it! Other 29 mares happily grzing away over the far side of the 25 acres not at all bothered by the escapees having escaped.

Just got back in, tired and with aching legs. Dinner is now back on the hob finishing cooking, so late eating tonight!

Suzie is looking for her breakfast - I swear she gets earlier with her hopes every day!
Poor you Anna nothing worse than escapies..I have 2 kune kune pigs and theyr experts at that trick im forever patching up holes in fences..but not over an area that big lol no wonder your legs are aching and so hot today (for Wales anyway)..time to put your feet up and watch some exciting cams for the rest of the evening..well they might get exciting..soon..maybe
I am off to bed now, Have a good day Cassie and sorry again for last night
Morning all!! I agree with you Renee I am so sick of this!!!

A biscuit of hay lol Is a section of hay about 2" wide it's usually the easiest way to seperatate a bale of hay
seeing as I will be getting my camera out later I'll take some pics any other orders of pics??

Your wish is my command luckily you asked on the right day... It's THURSDAY!!! Yay half day at work today!!

Did anyone see the rat last night??
I didnt see the rat but thats not to say I missed his appearance.

Ok we need side on shots down at her level, back shot and front shot.

Udder shot from underneath and one taken between her back legs (I know she might be hairy but would be curious. Also a tushy pic and if you were able to get a milk test would be great

Ok so have you got my list memorized - I dont think I am asking too much

I just want to try and get as much of the whole picture as possible since we cant see her in the flesh.
Ok I will do it later, I'm warning you though she doesn't have much of an udder at all...

No rat caught last night!!!!
I'm going to get dad on the case now!! He always catches the rats n mice!!

Ok suzie I finish work at 2pm so a 2:30 3pm baby sounds great to me!!! :D

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