They have a forum. Make yourself a thread there. When your mare is close, post it and ask people to watch for you. THen you WILL have people watching
I used marestare last spring. I didn't make my thread yet as my mare wasn't showing any signs at all. She aborted her foal, but no one was watching her since I didn't make the thread for her yet (baby was dead before he came out, so it didn't matter in my situation). But that does tell me you need to make the thread for people to watch! And post updates on it to keep their interest. I LOVE marestare, and will do it again this coming spring.
You'll need to buy a barn cam, and a thing that will hook it up to your computer. Then you have to have your computer online when you want the camera online. But they'll tell you exactly what you need and help you set it up. They recomended the Dazzle 80, I think it was called, to hook up to my computer. They provide the software for you to use. I got my barn cam and the Dazzle on ebay. Camera was brand new, from the company that sells them, but it was $100 cheaper on ebay
My Dazzle I think was refurbished, I forget...
Ooh and the marestare forums can get very addicting, it's fun to follow the active threads and watch everyone's mares that are close! At work (I work graveyard) the techs that work with me and I would gather round when a mare was foaling!
Oh yeah, many people sign up (free) with a site (I forget what site) that you can have the link to put on your camera's webpage. Then if people see your mare going into labor, they can hit an alert. It takes so many people to set a low alert (forget how many...) or you or people you can pick to hit it once for a high alert. Then, anyone who is watching for mares and has the alert window open, when the alert goes off it makes a noise to let you know. That's how you can catch the mares having their babies.
It's so much fun and addicting... though when Ruby lost her foal I stopped watching the other mares, it was too painful for me. I'll start again though in spring.