Thanks Megan!
I can't wait to see how large the girls get, only Fantasy and Rivain are repeats. All the other girls are new to me! Thankfully no maidens
Not sure how I'm going to survive the month though!
Question, want to know if anyone has seen something like this before. Special's skin along his dock has gotten crusty and is falling off... taking his tail with it!!! My best guess is he has been irritating it for awhile against his rugs tail flap as he has a natural high tail carriage. I'm now treating it daily with a very good oil blend which should heal the skin and encourage hair growth, I'm also NOT brushing it until the skin fixes up to try and save as much as I can. Has anyone seens omething like this before? Any ideas on what caused it? I really need to save it or he won't be coming out this season
I can't wait to see how large the girls get, only Fantasy and Rivain are repeats. All the other girls are new to me! Thankfully no maidens
Not sure how I'm going to survive the month though!
Question, want to know if anyone has seen something like this before. Special's skin along his dock has gotten crusty and is falling off... taking his tail with it!!! My best guess is he has been irritating it for awhile against his rugs tail flap as he has a natural high tail carriage. I'm now treating it daily with a very good oil blend which should heal the skin and encourage hair growth, I'm also NOT brushing it until the skin fixes up to try and save as much as I can. Has anyone seens omething like this before? Any ideas on what caused it? I really need to save it or he won't be coming out this season