Marlanoc Foal Thread, All Foaled! 4 colts, 1 filly

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Thanks Megan!

I can't wait to see how large the girls get, only Fantasy and Rivain are repeats. All the other girls are new to me! Thankfully no maidens

Not sure how I'm going to survive the month though!

Question, want to know if anyone has seen something like this before. Special's skin along his dock has gotten crusty and is falling off... taking his tail with it!!! My best guess is he has been irritating it for awhile against his rugs tail flap as he has a natural high tail carriage. I'm now treating it daily with a very good oil blend which should heal the skin and encourage hair growth, I'm also NOT brushing it until the skin fixes up to try and save as much as I can. Has anyone seens omething like this before? Any ideas on what caused it? I really need to save it or he won't be coming out this season
There's vit E in his oil mix, that stuff saved me from a nasty burn scar so I love it!

I've pinned up the tail flap, Spesh is too much of a princess to go nude
:rofl But wish I knew it was that for sure!

Will be keeping my fingers crossed that he doesn't lose too much hair, halter shows don't kick off until September so we've got some time on our side to fix it.
Sorry Bree I can't help as I have never had that happen, are you sure it is the rug? a rug would rub and break the hair but I am not sure about it causing the hair to fall out, does the hair around look broken? I think we will need a pic
Must admit that I hate tail flaps on rugs, I always cut them off, even from the outside ones! I have found time and again that rugs dont seem to allow for proper fitting over or round individual sizes of mini's bottoms/hind ends, and in a lot of cases the tail gets rubbed. Of course I realise that I only have rugs made in the UK, nor to I have the money to keep buying different makes so I may have been unlucky, but I have also found that apart from rubbing some tails the flaps do seem to prevent a lot of minis from being able to lift their tails high enough when pooing!

But all that said, I'm so sorry that Spesh is having this problem Bree and really hope it all heals up very soon.
Sorry Bree I can't help as I have never had that happen, are you sure it is the rug? a rug would rub and break the hair but I am not sure about it causing the hair to fall out, does the hair around look broken? I think we will need a pic
Good point Renee, the hair isn't broken. Back to square one

Anna I agree with a lot of rugs! I stick to particular brands and alternate depending on what sort of fit the horse needs. But back when I had an arab I always cut the tail flaps off because nothing was ever right for his tail!! Looks like I might have to do this for Spesh as well
I'll grab a photo of I can today when I check it this evening. Because it is WAY to cold to go and check it now
he'll have a sulk and his oil has been goign all solid and gross thanks to the evening temperatures.

I THINK it's looking a little less nasty, I'm not sure how much is too far gone to save but I'm not going to brush it until the skin is much better. But he'll stand there and let me very gently massage the oil into the dock. It's certainly not looking as dry as it was.

Typical Spesh upstaging the mares
he really does have to be the centre of attention at all times!
He's old owner comes to the rescue!

She says that it sounds like his "fungus problem" which is a reoccuring issue thanks to his very sensitive and pink skin. He had it on his forehead when I purchased him. Given that he isn't itching it I don't think it's lice so I'll treat him with an anti bacterial/fungal wash, and keep up the oil treatments.
If it is fungal then some swabbing with Tea Tree oil should help to clear it. Do hope it improves very soon for you (and him!)
Thanks Anna
I hope it clears up soon as well!

No pic, I know I said I would but I ended up cleaning out bath stables. And since I pulled the weanlings out of the straw one me and my agistor have just been chucking horses in it 'for a little bit' while doing other jobs and not cleaning up after them
:ThumbDown you can imagine the lovely mess all that "just a little bit" added up to!! Going to air them for a day or two, disinfect them and then order new shavings and straw. Hopefully none of the foals will need them but I'd rather have them set up and ready just incase.
Some tail success! The skin looks so much cleaner after his special wash and all the oil treatments had stopped it from drying out any further. I've used a medicated cream to help clear everything out and will swap back to the oil soon but it does look like I'll be on top of it from here on out. Sadly I think he has lost almost a third of his tail hair, won't know for sure until I brush it all out and remove all the loose, dead strands
only good bit is I think I can hide any bald areas with what has been saved so he should be able to go out in the ring.

Now here's something I've learnt from it that might help some of you in future! Spesh has really sensitive skin and a lot of it is pink, however during show season he spends most of his time in cotton and mesh rugs, much more breathable then his winter synthetics. He also gets a lot more baths and a lot more grooming and clipping. In future I'll keep washing him through winter in a eucalypt based product followed by his hot oil conditioning treatment to try and avoid this from happening again. If the new stables are in I'll also keep him stalled so he is in and dry when the weather is gross and if he gets wet while turned out he'll come in, be dried off and have fresh rugs.

So hopefully now he can stop upstaging the mares
Glad to hear that things are improving Bree - and yes, it sounds as though Spesh will perhaps need spesh treatment for his sensitive little self in the future!!
Her is such a fusspot

Of course when I went to rug him up this evening (he got a nude day because the weather was nice) he saw me, called out and did his big floating trot over to the gate with his tail up. When you're this much in love with a beautiful horse nothing seems like too much work

I'm going to talk with a friend about having a new set of rugs made for him for winter. She makes a waterproof woolen rug which I think will breath nicely and she will do custom fittings. No he isn't spoilt

Dreamy's belly has done quite a sag over the last few days! No udder filling on her or Beauty but they do feel like they've gotten a bit loose. Looking forward to bringing them in so I can start more regular checks!
Yeah during summer he never goes outside without either his full cotton set or his sun proof mesh set plus his flymask with cotton nose cover. He also doesn't stand nude by the float EVER. A few people pick on his summer gear
but at least my horse won't burn!

When the new barn goes up it will be super insulated like the shed that has my current two stalls and I reckon my whole show team will spend the day inside where it's cooler and have their turn out over night.... now I just need the darn thing to be built
:rofl If I'm REALLY lucky it will get done before next winter but I think it's likely to happen the summer after that. Hopefully the new fences won't take that long because my show team, stallions and broodmares are fighting over who gets to use my only two small paddocks
Hey Bree, your girls are looking GREAT!! such gorgeous beautiful girls and SOOO pregnant yippee!! I agree with you Megan, I miss having a pregnant mummy in my stables as well... but I just got confirmation from my friend across the road. Bree she has Spellbound Dark Magic (if you know him) that her little mare is definitley pregnant due in October she felt the foal move on the weekend, so I'm going over on the weekend to go n have a play yippee!!!!
so excited! (especially as I hope to have a half sister or brother to this little foal in the near future hehe)

glad you were able to sort out the issue with Spesh Bree, silly boy!

can't wait for foaling season yippee!!
Glad you've found a foal to play with! I think I've heard the name but can't place him, got a link?

Now that we're getting closer I'm begining to turn paranoid

Dreamy is a pro but she's such a shorty I can't help but worry!

Beauty of course has only delivered one live foal so far.

Painted Lady and Rivain are so not interested in my help! At least I know Rivain can handle things on her own and hopefully Painted Lady's foal stealing nature will convert to excellent mother skills when they are needed

At least I get a tiny break to sleep and not be paranoid before Jilla, Fantasy and Kalari all foal!
naw, I'm sure they will all go fine...of course it would be easier for you if you had them on camera LOL hint hint! lol.

um, I don't have a link but here are some pics of him lol


Spellbound Dark Magic.jpg

well praying for safe foalings for all your girls!! :D I'm getting soo excited!
He's a bit of a looker! That second photo looks like Tamworth, did he go to IMHR Nats?
He's a bit of a looker! That second photo looks like Tamworth, did he go to IMHR Nats?
yeah he did, thats from last year I think, or the year before?

how are your girls today Bree? are you getting the lovely weather we have up here today? we got a massive rain storm last night but the sun is out and shining today

who are going to be in your show team this year?
Weather has been so very bland! Clouds with rainy bits. Palli is loving it as it helps him in his mission to be bay

Got a new camera yesterday!
:ThumbUp So happy as I love photography and my old camera was begining to drive me nuts! It had a realy outdated shutter speed, was heavy and you couldn't change the lens. My new one is so much nicer and I'm saving up to get a macro/portrait lens before the foals arrive as I got to play with one in the store and it was magic! Will probably have new photos to share tonight because I can't wait to run outside and have a play

Show team this year is looking like Special and Derby although Derby is just doing the performance ring. Lyric is out as she won't be healed in time. Storm and Sterling are both coming out as colts until sold. Drifter is doing the first two performance shows just for some fun. I'll also be looking at my early foals to see who can come out for their weanling season. Their classes don't start until January and they must be over 3 months, I'll be looking at my August foals VERY closely to see who makes the cut
I'll have two places on my float since Sterling and Storm will be in training with someone else. Maybe Lyric's full brother/sister could be one of them
oooh very exciting! I love new cameras!! :D can't wait to see your awesome photos!!

naughty Lyric! no more accidents are allowed miss accident prone!

ooh so exciting! can't wait to hear how storm and sterling go!! Love the both of them! well I hope you get MANY gorgeous foals and you can't decide who to show hehehe

what kind of float do you have Bree?

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