That show is my utter addictionI'm one by "breeding" (my father immigrated from Norway as a boy with his family) and I'm now praying for a filly names Valkyrie!!!!
Have you seen the new program on TV -- or have they run it there -- called "The Vikings" ?? It's really excellent, and combines the mythology with history and it's been very well done!

I've got a touch of Viking in me by breeding, there's a Danish strand in the family tree. The rest is English so probably a bit hiding back there as well. My parents helped with the addiction to the stories but my mum jokingly blames the neighbour that used to help babysit, she was Norwegian and used to tell me old stories to make me go to sleep.
These days I have a bad habit of quoting the Lokasenna at people who are annoying me so some of it must have stuck

Anyway I figured that with Avengers and Thor being out some of the names I wanted to use would be less odd. Although everyone still wants to hit me for "Mjolnir"

Cassie Iron Man 2 is probably the weakest of the Iron Man stories so far, it's not bad but it just doesn't hold up to the rest of what they've done. Have you seen the rest of the Phase One movies? Incredible Hulk was quite good, Captain America did nothing for me but I think the second will be better (due next year, 6 months after Thor2) and if I'm honest the first Thor was a tad average, made watchable by the rather awesome job Tom Hiddleston has done with the role of Loki. Not that I'm biased