Marlanoc Foal Thread, All Foaled! 4 colts, 1 filly

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Mine too - brilliant!!
I thought it was time the horse conversations returned

Had my first show of the season yesterday, a 'winter woolies performance day' so no clipping

Photo overloaded as my mother is playing driver for most of my shows and she loves stalking me with the camera.

Derby did alright, we got thrown the most complicated trail course I've done with him and he tried. Unfortunatly he is still in the phase of "soemthing went wrong? MELTDOWN" which doesn't help me correct him and finish the obstacle well. Lungeline is improving... that's the nicest thing I can say
In his hunter class he spooked at one of the jumps, nearly refused but jumped when asked... but was so nervy he decided he needed a hug and collided with me. We had a refusal at the next because I had to circle to get our balance back, thankfully it stopped me hitting the dirt which would have disqualified us. However he is jumping in great form with a lot of scope so I'm very happy about that!

IMG_0470.jpg IMG_0478.jpg

I pulled Drifter out of the paddock for some fun, put a bit of conditioning work on him and figured we'd give everything a shot.

He went first in show jumper, first in fault & out and second in 6 bar... going Champion Show Jumper!

Came out of performance with a 2nd in hunter, a 4th in lungeline (his weakest event, he hates it!) and a 2nd in the most complex trail course I've ever seen let alone done. This pulled off a Reserve Champion Performance Horse and followed with him taking out SUPREME MINIATURE PERFORMANCE!
Not bad for a 15 year old coming out for fun!!!




Him with his jumping champion, He was in the float when his reserve and supreme were awarded (we ran very late!)


And my fav pic

Woohoo!!! go Drifter!! saw the pics of FB
well done Bree
poor little Derby! at least he got out there and tried

oh no looks like its about to rain, be back soon friends, it was sunny with I came down here this morning, have to put rain rugs back on
ok I'm back
it was so lovely and sunny this morning now its horrible cold and windy! glad I live just down the road.

back to my previous thoughts... oh yes I loved your little conversation with your mini's hehe, who is Apollo? can we see a pic of him please?
so some have started to bag up? thats exciting! sleepless nights are coming up fast
at least you will be rewarded by gorgeous little foals!!
Apollo is a mini I picked up for free when he was barely a yearling. He was palomino and a colt so I just knew he'd end up with a BYB breeder so we drove across the state to get him. I showed him a bit but mostly he was a project since he had no training! I ended up selling him to my mother, I was going to sell him to help buy Spesh and she wouldn't let him go

But he is a sweetheart, great with the foals and a total blonde idiot
However I used to kiss his muzzle alot because he has the sweetest face and a very velevty muzzle... this has made him demand kisses from everyone!

oh my!!! no wonder he is gorgeous!!! what a lovely kind head he has! I would give him kisses all day long! lol

another hidden gorgeous mini at your house! lol how many horses do you have in total Bree?
I don't count them anymore

I have Apache my retired riding horse (1)

Jazz the rescue pony and Apache's paddock companion (2)

Commanche the fatty boombah pony I inherited when we moved here (3)

4 mini geldings, Baringa, Drifter, Derby and Special (7)

The stallions, Pallidon and Tinker (9)

The almost yearlings, Lyric, Sterling and Storm (12)

The broodmares, Belle, Ashanti, Twinkles, Painted Lady, Beauty, Dreamy, Jilla, Fantasy and Kalari (soon anyway) (21)

Plus Apollo (22)

Plus 4 mares that spent the winter here, again that changes.

And the agistor's 4 youngsters but that changes depending on what he has here. A few months ago it was 6 broodmares and 6 youngsters.

And 7 foals due.

See why I don't like counting?
They are evil, EVIL little horses that seem to double in numbers all the time

I've told myself no more, that I need to focus on a few other projects... but of course there's a stallion I'd love to bing home and I'm hoping to run 2 or 3 of this year's foals on
it never ends!
hahahaha yes they are evil!! wow
quite a little herd you have going Bree! and of course all of them are gorgeous! so who is this stallion your after? hehe, you know there can't be any surprises around here hehe.
LOL, he isn't coming here, I HAVE to be good, I HAVE to resist!

Helps that I simply don't have the space for another stallion right now
oh ok, I see.... resist Bree!! resist!! resist!! (can I still see a pic of him please? hehe)

yeah that does help... (or at least what's his name so I can look up a pic myself hehe)

think of that gorgeous Elite float that has your name on it!!!! no stallion! FLOAT!!! :D
haha well he is VERY nice.... but.... resist resist resist!!! lol well you have to buy the float first remember... lol

very nice boy
Oooooo dont think I could resist Bree - surely there is a small corner somewhere for that very handsome fella!!!

Many many congrats on your show results - well done to Derby for trying so hard - maybe you didn't give him enough hugs BEFORE you started?? As for young Drifter, well what a champ!! And he's such a good looking little man too - I thik we need pictures of him more often!

Was that your last show before you become Zombiefied?
I'm having so much trouble resisting him Anna!

I'll try more hugs before his next class

Drifter is my little tank! Not built for halter he always has his belly he has way more 'substance' to his build then has ever been popular over here and when I take him out of the float no one expects him to jump like he can! And he loves it!
:ThumbUp He's going to stay in my team until the foal classes start so you guys will see a lot more of him for the rest of the year.

And yup last show before no more sleep! The next one is another performance show on the 19th and hopefully I'll have some foals on the ground by then
I can't wait! Beauty's daughter has gone out in the performance ring with a child handler for the first time and she's being so honest! If I get half that nature on this foal I'll be happy
Zizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oooop's that almost worked on me Diane - not that I'm looking at another stallion right now!!

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