Wanted to show you a "solid" black colt out of a mare I owned named D.M. Sunnys Cinnamon -- a very bright red sorrel mare crossed on a leopard appaloosa.
This boy was born solid black (no mottling, no sclera, no nothing) with some counter shading like your little girl.
Started out as just Rivain and Twinkles but then Rivain began to stress. In the end I decided it was easier to bring up Belle, Ashanti and Kalari as well. Rivain was still sulking as she wants to be with Painted Lady, but until Painted Lady learns not to steal foals she isn't allowed to play with the foaling group!
I'll try and get pics tomorrow, trying to use our current run of nice weather to do some horrid jobs like "clean out arena before summer hits" anyone want to come and help?
Ooooooooo I'd be over in a trice to lend a hand Bree, especially as we are now moving into Autumn/Winter!! But first I do think we need to see loads of updated pics of your preggy girls.
Give me back my nice weather (this means you Hayley and Cassie!!!)
On a positive note Rivain's udder has grown. Based on when she went in with Pallidon (in season) her day 330 is the 22nd so she's in the safe margin for foaling. This udder growth has also happened despite the pacing she's done on and off since moving (still sulking about Painted Lady!) I reckon she'll be the first to go unless Ashanti starts something.
Was going to get new ones today but we literally had drizzly rain ALL DAY
Tomorrow both stallions get clipped (trying to get summer coats in condition for a photo shoot) so I'll try and get some shots of them all fresh and gorgeous as well as some mare shots.