Well within the last two hours her udder has gone down- but it hasn't gone away, it just moved forward a little so her bag looks deflated but she has front ****s.
She seems a little agitated today- and I don't know why, it's cold and gloomy so the flys aren't out. Maybe it is just me annoying her haha
pH is still showing 6.8, but I swear if it was in smaller incriments it would be more like 6.6
Here are pictures from this morning- the udder pictures were taken before her udder went down, it seriously happened within the last two hours.
Seems a little lopsided still? I've seen her roll two times in the last twelve hours- I can tell you that
She's been scratching her butt so much her hooha is getting scratched!
I'll take some pictures of her decreased udder when I go back out in an hour.
Side story: I am so annoyed right now. Yesterday I sold some chickens to a guy and he was supposed to come get them this morning. So this morning I didn't let them out of the coop so they would be easy to catch- he was supposed to come at eleven am.
11 am rolls around and the chickens are crowing and getting rowdy because they want out- and the guy is nowhere to be found, hasn't called or anything. So I decide to let the chickens out because I figure he isn't coming- right as I open the door and they all fly out, he calls. Ugh!! Apparently he worked late and slept in. I told him he could either catch them himself- spread out over their two acre lot, or wait until tomorrow morning.
So now I have to do all that again in the morning. Plus another person is coming out Saturday to get some. It's going to be an eventful weekend I think!