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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
Beamsville , ont
hey everyone,

so this started 4 days ago, i have been geting like hives i gues there called, it started on my right wrist, and then up my arm then to the other arm then my neck, all over nite like it moves over nite, i have been taking benadryl, and i cant exceed 8 a day and i have taken 8, its itchy it hurts like omg i duno what to do it wont go away, im alergic to my bed! i havent changed or goten anything new! urg my rents are well u know if u read any of my other posts! so there no help what do i do?
also i think my throat is swelling up its geting harder to breath, also my rents are not home so i cant rly doo anything, im 17 btw
Cara, if you are seriously having trouble breathing you need to call 911 now. You may be having an allergic reaction to something and if you are alone you need to get help in case this gets worse.

Or can you at least call your parents or a neighbor to check on you in a few minutes?
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First thing calm down, if you can not breathe or having a hard time breathing and it has come on a sudden, you need medical attention---quick. Is there no one with you?
my parents are home but sort of under the influance, um i can breath but slowly, its been that way for a day or two, also my right arm is geting numb, and im dizy
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my parents are home but sort of under the influance,

For the love of god Cara, get them UP and out from under the influence and call 911 to help you
Someone please contact the board owners for personal info and get this girl 911 and a Shrink. I am so sorry you had this happen to you. Its not your fault and you don't deserve parents like this. You NEED HELP< GO GET IT!


Please call a friend, cab,or someone for help.
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plz dont and i cant there like rly drunk, and il just wait till tomrow and il ask a friend to take me maybe, i do feel lightheaded tho
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You are asking for medical advice, the advice from everyone is GET TO THE DOCTOR.

Listen to other peoples suggestions when you ask for it. Wake your parents up, no matter what sort of state they are in. If anything they can call an ambulance, they won't have to drive you.

I am guessing you are going through some sort of stress hives/breathing difficulties if nothing has changed. They need to get you on some mild medications to help with that.

And truly you need to talk to a expert in your "life" situations.

I broke out in hives when I combined 2 medications (prescribed by the doctors). I broke out in hives and had difficulty breathing. The ER just gave me a strong dose of benedryl and sent me on my way. I would try a liquid benedryl since it gets in your system faster and get some nice anti-itch cream. If its something you took, then it'll take a least a week to get rid of it out of your body. I remember breaking out in hives when I itched 2 weeks after.

But if you think its something really serious, then call the ER!
Cara, if you are not willing to call 911 you really need someone to help you, do you have friends that you have stayed at their house and know their parents?

Do you have an aunt or an uncle or close friend you can call on for help? I think you need somebody right now. I wonder if your shortness of breath could be caused from an anxiety attack. With all the stress you're under, it wouldn't surprise me. I want you to know that life can become better. I tell my kids to get a good education and then a good job doing what they love and they will have life by the seat of their pants! And you can too. Always believe in yourself and keep forging ahead like you've been doing.
so i woke my parents up my dad yelled at me and so did my mom, there sleeping again, i asked a few people if they would take me to the hospital, no reply, my breathing is the same, not good, my arm jsut stings now, so i think im going to stay home and if its bad il go tomrow, also no all my relitives are in bc, and i live in the midle of nowhere
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ya there is a911 in canada but it also cost money, money that we dont have, if my breathing gets worse i will call i promise
If you are seriously feeling what you are feeling than you should call 911. They have programs that will take care of the bills. I know you are having other issues in your life and I seriously think you need to get some help. The nice ladies on here can only give you advice and they def. can't help you if you are having a true emergency. Get some help even if it means going against what your parents say! They obviously are in no position to be making adult decisions at this time so you have to take the drivers seat.
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I sincerely hope there is someone in authority in Ontario reading this board that can get the ball rolling for all the help this child needs in her life. Unbelievable.
i just got home from the hospital, it turned out it was the anti depressant im now on, go figure eh, i thought my breathing was geting better that y i didnt call, but then i jsut stoped breathing all together and i called 911, thanks to everyone that cared! im ok now im going to talk to my doctor about what happend and get on a differnt anti depressant!

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