He's right beside her in the corral, but separated. He drives her around so I am keeping them apart for now.Hang in there - it's only been a few days and she'll settle in. It's much harder on you than it is on her. It's probably mainly missing her buddy - can he be in with her at least part of the time? That might help a lot, get into a routine with when he's in and when he's not, and she'll get used to it.
Manure a little better today, so maybe it was the banamine. She likes the peanuts but Dapper Dan won't eat them. I think she is more desperate for treats than he is!
I spoke to my dil last night; she is a certified barefoot trimmer. I will call her after the xrays, but she was hopeful that even if there is separation, Midnight could recover. She had several clients with a similar laminitis problem.
I took DD for a walk this morning.