well, a good storm is brewing and hanging around this week. I raced home before the rain made too much of an appearance to take pictures.
But, it is hard to take pictures when you have a very 'uncooperative' horse.....she thinks her face looks prettier than anything to do with her back end.....I have to agree!....lol
These were taken last night with my phone. Thank goodness the phone has a 'flash' on it (surprise to me when I got the phone a year ago!). It is about 7pm but plenty of cloud cover to need a flash.
The udder development has not changed. I tried to get a 'between the legs' shot but she's a good girl and didnt want me to get another pic of her milk bar. When I did look in that direction, her nipples are still touching and pointing 'inward' toward each other. and the only 'adema' is in front of her nipples where the previous pic shows.
I tried to get 'defining' shots of the belly because I know it's hard to tell if there is any 'unsmoothness' to the belly view on many horses from a side shot.
What medicine (shot) would help her produce milk?
Every time I 'check' her, no milk to obtain. No waxing, nothing.
They get coastal hay in the pen that they are in. The pastures have Bahai grass.
I had an AG Center person come out last fall and go over what things the land has/needs/doesnt need.
I told myself that if she does not pop by 4 July, I will take her to a different vet for another opinion......should I still do such?
I consulted my mentors and they said it is not uncommon for a mini to go a year. So in some sense, I am not too concerned but still worried...lol.....(on the fence for the vet)!!!