Well, as my horses are performance only...numbers are limited because time is even more limited! :bgrin
4 minis:
2 geldings (one driving, one on layup/still growing)
2 mares (both driving, not breeding)
4 full size horses:
2 geldings (one retired, one driving)
2 mares (pasture ornaments, mainly, although one drives, I just haven't had time to work with her, both ride)
1 mule (abused before we got her, so pasture ornament)
1 donkey Jack (BLM, so mostly wild)
Total Equids: 10
Huh. For horses, we are nice and equal with 4 geldings and 4 mares...how funny! I would eventually like to get a full size horse or pony that has the potential to go Advanced at Combined Driving competitions.