I took Mazie--then 7 months--into an assisted living place. The activities person had been bugging me for years to bring a horse in. I warned her they can't be "potty trained." She said they had vacuums to extract anything from carpets. Mazie was fabulous. The one tricky part was much to my amazement, their carpet was green with little brown rectangles--looked exactly like grain.
It took Mazie a bit to realize she wasn't going to taste anything. There were about 9 walkers coming at her--but she never spooked. She did have a loose poop on a carpet--but the activities person just stuck a chair over it. After visiting one area, we went through some hallways and through doors with loud beeps to the Alzheimer's unit to get more muzzle kisses.
The sad part is the person I had worked with for three years got written up for having the horse in the building. A health violation. She said the director hated her--that it had nothing to do with Mazie. She was fired months later and has found another position. She's a horse person and I miss her.
It took me a bit to involve myself with the new person---but I took my students in and she seems nice. They are coming here Wednesday for the 4th annual visit to Little Church Minis.
In addition to muzzle kisses and lemonade, there will be an obstacle class demo, a lunging demo, and Rosie is going to dance for them. We were hoping to be ready for a ground driving demo, but we decided to skip that part due to time and it's supposed to be 89* Wednesday. For photos of the visits--visit my website.