Molly, Little bit.

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You're mare is beautiful! My mare is at 333 days today so I think they can stay pregnant long enough to drive us crazy.
That is for sure.
Molly has been having some clear discharge (not much) I was wondering if that is another sign of getting close.
Well today is day 365 that she was seperated from stud and still no change. I am starting to think
that she just needs to go one a diet!
With this side-by-side photo set-up; I can finally see the elongating hooha. With individual pics posted, I couldn't ever really see it. [i see a lot of cow hoohas before calving, but their changes are different, they tend to get swollen around that area (probably elongated too, but the swelling is more noticeable). I don't check cows that often, but on more than one occassion I've noticed a really swollen cow, told Shayne her number and she's been one of the next to go.]

The first is from March 24 -- and then today. She's definitely making changes, and is just taking her sweet time. You said on March 20th, that you removed her from the stallion "some time in April" -- so perhaps it was later in April than today -- meaning that maybe today isn't day 365? i had a mare who always foaled on day 365 -- but mares have been known to go over the 1 year mark -- so she's still moving forward -- and will certainly foal when she decides her baby has perfect eyelashes!


So, I'd say she's doing just fine -- just not as quickly as we'd all like. LOL
Yes with the two photos together I see the change. I did go back and look at pictures and found one that I took the day that I put my two mares together it was dated April 6th 2012 so it solved the when I separated her from the stallion.

I am just getting frustrated by the slow process.

I thought last night that her vulva was looking maybe a little redder. Does it change to the deep red quickly or is it different from horse to horse?

thanks for the support.
Here are some new pictures of Molly. They are not the best it was storming and she wouldn't stand still. She is making slow progress she is getting looser in the back end and there are times when it looks like her vulva is getting red. Her milk is still testing the same high on calcium and ph is off the chart high so I keep watching and waiting.

She is looking VERY good! A little forward movement on that tummy -- and I bet you see her "numbers" plunge and baby will be arriving!
Last night when I went to check on Molly she didn't look pregnant anymore. She didn't have sides sticking out and didn't seem to be hanging as low underneath Her bag filled up a little more too her nipples weren't touching like usual. I couldn't test her milk I ran out of strips, I plan on going to town today and picking up some more. here are some pics I took last night.

Ooooooooo she's looking good!! Sounds like she's on her way to foaling. With the nipples still pointing inwards -- she may give you a day or two to get ready -- but udders can change so quickly -- keep your eyes on her!!

Keep us posted
In that first picture, if she was to move her right front leg a bit further forward I bet you could see how her tummy has moved down and forward as the foal has dropped into the 'delivery' position!

Those udders could fill very quickly so, as Diane says, watch her very closely! Hows the inside of her vulva looking?
No changes. went to town and got test strips, still high calcium and ph. Her vulva is mostly pale pink it does look like she is getting a few streaks that look like a deep purple.

It seems like she makes most of her changes during the day so I am curious to see if she changes today. The grass has turned green and she sure is loving it.
Ok new question... Should I be worried with her going so long that this is going to be a big baby?
No there is no proof of a long pregnancy producing a bigger foal. Diane had a girl that we drag it out every year. One of mine would never foal before 354 days and she never had any problems foaling and her babies were always small.
Oh good I was starting to worry about that. Still no change looking the same and ph still high. I am hoping things get moving soon.
No worries! As Renee said, my Cassie carried her foals for 365 days EVERY YEAR, and all her foals were small. Never a problem!!

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