Mom found her a horse i think

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Im going to try to not be affended by a couple posts on here .....

But, mom is going to go look at him in the morning. I talked to her before school today and she said she at least wanted to go look. Im not going to go bc im not going to stand beside her on this if its really not to dangerious. I know haflingers can hold around 250 pounds but then agian i guess im just young and wouldnt know

Lyn-i can respect your opinion, i just think its a little harsh. I am sorry that you have known me about 3 month, but i dont think you can judge me on 3 month. I know my strenghts and weaknesses, its not bad to ask for opinions. Being around horses my whole life ...i personally beleive i know a good bit about horses, But ive never had to worry about some subjects, mostly with mini's and i never had to worry about being to heavy for a horse so i have no expertise there. I just think that you have this mental image or something of me because im 17 ..i know i could learn allot more about horses, i plan to. But i mean to go and say some of those things to me without knowing how it really is, to me is a bit rude. You can stop talking to me and posting on my threads ...but i think thats childish and im only 17, but hey what do i know.

Would a 15HH shire QH cross be good? I saw one for sale in our local weekly trader? This is the last thread on this subject bc people tend to get a bit heated over this!
[SIZE=14pt]Leeann, Im not trying to be harsh and you are right I dont know you. It is just frustrating to feel like we answer your questions but because you dont like the answers we give you just keep asking the same thing over and over. Im really trying to protect your mom even tho it doesnt seem so. I know you are young and enthusiastic and excited about the horses. I think there is still lots you need to learn about horse training in general, horse behavior etc. Especially when you buy at auction and you dont know what the horses behaviors are going to be. Im glad you worked that out with your mini tho.[/SIZE]

I get frustrated with my kids too when they dont listen to reason. The posts you have made show that you are easily excited over the horses and things but sometimes maybe dont think things thru first.

I can often be blunt and too the point....wasnt always that way but as I get older I guess I feel times a wastein' so dont mince words. I give blunt advice and blunt critiques. Im really not a mean spirited person but if you can say it is 25 words or less and you type on and on the initial point gets lost.

Forgive my harshness, it really isnt meant to hurt just point out some things that you might be missing.

Well totally ok not totally off topic but I have seen some halflingers that are really well built they are a draft pony and can hold and pull alot of weight. Of course it all depends on the horses build, condiditon, soundness and many other things but I personally would not feel to large to get on a proper built halfinger

However more then just the build I think the calmness, soundness and personality of the horse here are equally important
lf you feel you are as mature as you put on and know as much as you say about horses then whatever Lyn tells you should not bother you one bit after all from her postings on many subjects she is pretty straight forward and says it the way most people think but wouldn't say. Sometimes youth can be a pain lord knows l've had many of them like you but look back in a few months when your not so excited and you'll see for yourself. As far as your mom she has to ride the horse and she has to feel comfortable on him/her so she should get out to try as many for fit as she can before deciding on what is right for her. lf you get excited over every horse on the net or in the local paper you haven't done your homework on THE horse.

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