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HAPPY to report that Irish is coming along VERY well! She is so patient with me and all of my poking and prodding I have to do to her to keep her wounds cleaned and drained. We are feeding her four decent sized meals a day and we can leave her water down at all times now for her. I have been working on teaching her that the meal I am feeding is NOT her last, and am teaching her patience so she is not diving into the bowl before I get it onto the floor. She seems to be a fairly quick learner.

Our grandsons' Christmas Concert was last night, so we had to go to that. I was nervous about leaving Irish in the porch (where she has been staying) without us home, as I was worried about her trying to jump the gate or chew the heck out of the walls etc. because we left her alone, so I got Chris to go to one of the portable garages and find Baylee's (our past Boxer) old crate and bring it up. We washed it out and put Irish's blanket in there, then I took a bone I had here for the dogs, and with a knife, put Cheez Whiz in the hollow part of it where the marrow would go. It was a longish bone, probably about 6" so I put some fairly far in and from both ends, hoping it would keep her occupied while we were away. All seemd well upon our arrival back home. I don't think she was ever anyone's hunting dog, as if she was she likely would have known what a crate was and would have went in willingly. She didn't even know enough to walk in then turn around facing the door until I put the bone in with her. I didn't know where we were going to keep the crate now for her, as we'll need to use it from time to time, so Chris suggested just keeping it in the porch with the door open and that way she can go in and out as she pleases and will get used to it, so that's what we'll do, and so far, she has been using it, so that's good.

She is already becoming very attached...scared of being left out in the cold again I fear. Even if she is out there with me and I pick poop from the dog yard, and she is on the other side of the fence, she whines. No accidents in the house today though, so that's good. I am quite certain she just had her babies within the past couple/few weeks, and I am guessing they died shortly thereafter. Either froze to death or maybe something got them, as either scenario, she would have had to leave them alone wherever they were, so she could try to find herself some food, and since she does not have a lot of milk, it's been awhile. Also, I think the stuff coming from her vulva is typical post-whelping discharge, and it would also explain why her vulva is so puffy.

When the time is right, I will most probably rehome her when she is well enough, as I will need to have room for the next one that happens along that I decide needs my help.

These photos show better just how thin she is!




Even though you can't really tell by looking at her, she is already gaining weight at a good rate. She weighed 38 lbs the day we found her (morning of December 15), and today (December 18) she weighs 42.5 lbs! Yes, I am taking it easy, and feeding several small meals throughout the day, and several "snacks" throughout the day as well. She is going to be A-OK! Maybe a few minor scars, but she'll be just fine!

Thanks for being one of God's caretakers! As I read the original post, I wondered where the pups were also. It is very sad the shape she is in, but she's there for a reason.

Take care!
I wish she could find a ride here when she's well. I'd take her
That is GREAT news, Mona - what a sweetheart!!!

Liz R.
You know Mona, the way she lets you do stuff to her, is it possible that she belonged to someone and maybe they died or something and the person left to take care of her didn't and then they let her go? It just knod of crossed my mind because a dog that has been on their own for a long time (say 1 year) don't really trust people. I think she had to belong to someone at one point.
Yes, I am sure she DID belong to someone. As I said...I think she was a reserve dog. There are 2 Indian Reserves nearby. The dogs from the reserve run wild, are not really fed, and have to learn to fend for themselves. They multiply like crazy and although there are a few responsible families that own dogs that do buy them food, most have to reply on whatever happens to get tossed out the door to them or whatever they can find in the garbage or what they can manage to hunt down. This is a VERY, VERY serious problem in our area, and the governement cannot do anything to force them to take responsibility for their care. The dogs that come here that I help are normally from the nearby reserves. And no, purebreds have no bearing on the care they do or don't receive. I have seen many purebreds of various breeds throughout the years that are gorgeous and within a few short months look the same as the "mutts" in body condition.

You know Mona, the way she lets you do stuff to her, is it possible that she belonged to someone and maybe they died or something and the person left to take care of her didn't and then they let her go? It just knod of crossed my mind because a dog that has been on their own for a long time (say 1 year) don't really trust people. I think she had to belong to someone at one point.
Glad to hear she is progressing! She is going to make someone a wonderful pet!


"Irish" is beautiful..... KUDDOS to you for all you are doing........
Oh how Irish Eyes are Smiling.....look at the appreciation in those eyes..........

Mona you are just an angel and Irish knows it......... kudos to you for helping her, you can already see the spark in her!
Glad she is doing better Thanks for all the help you give to some of the animals that come your way.

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