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Aw Tony, Sorry to hear you lost one!

Congratulations on all the others. All are very lovely and I am looking forward to seeing all of them!

Congratulations Tony on two beautiful foals. I like the big star on Whatababe, and the colt

Gorgeous is just that Gorgeous. Congratulations on them, and sorry too about the loss of

the other baby. I hope the mare will be okay.

Best Wishes


:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:
So sorry to hear your mare lost her foal, hope she is doing ok . Congrats on your findings when you got home
: They are gorgeous
: I agree, the second mare has such a beautiful head. It will be interesting to see how her foal colors out down the road
Congrats on the new arrivals. Its so nice to get just what u want
Sorry about the one you lost, but congrats on the others.

Those "twins" are just too cute
Tony, Gorgeous indeed was named correctly. Congratulations and thankfully you were able to extract the foal and save your mare. The twins look just like clones of each other
Tony, that second mare and her foal are both absolutely STUNNING!!! :new_shocked: :aktion033: Congrats on all your new babies and those "twins" are priceless :bgrin
Congratulations Tony, you are popping foals out all the time. Sorry for your loss and hopefully seeing the other babies frolic around will help to ease your pain. I sure do love those twins too. Keep the photos coming and good luck on future foalings.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" Tony on the new foals - I LOVE how you come up with such cool and appropriate names!

Sorry about the loss of the foal but glad your mare will be okay.

The "twins" really do look like twins - looks like they are typical little boys and always into mischief!

Keep the new baby pictures coming - it is fun to check them out!
Congrats on your new foals, they are very nice
: Sorry about the foal you lost, I hope your mare is doing well.

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