I have 3 big barns used previously for Dairy Goats and Beef Cattle.
The one up by the house (30X60) is completely rough cemented with mats in the stalls (portable panels) and mats in the aisle where I groom. The mats don't fit the stalls, there is at least 1 ft at the back and 6-8" around the edges that is not covered. Never had a problem with it. I do occasionally pull the mats (like 2x a year) and pour some Stall Dry powder under them for the urine that might seep under. But I bed deeply and very rarely does any urine get under the mats. These stalls are used all the time and there is no odor. I do use a lot of shavings, by choice. I like a nice deep bed for them.
The back cow barn has hard clay in the stalls. These stalls have paddocks. I actually use more shavings in them to try and keep the odor down. The dirt smells.
And I also have 1 horse in a stall in the cow barn that is rough cemented, with no mats. It is bedded very deep and he is very clean, so it works for him. He also has a paddock and really doesn't spend much time in his stall.
I have heard people comment that cement with mats smell. I wonder if it depends on where you live and the weather? We also don't freeze.
Really moist air or dry air? We have a drier air.
Maybe the type of shavings?
edited to add:..someone mentioned flooding....we did flood a couple of years ago...had 2-3 inches run through the barn....just opened every available door and swept it out....no problems.
The back barns w/dirt floors were wet (and muddy) forever it seemed.