Moxie's now a Champion!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2004
Reaction score
St.Marys, Ontario
Well, we were supposed to have a 4 day show this weekend, but a really nasty snowstorm blew through early Friday morning, closing all of the roads around here. So I finally got out around 5pm (thankfully as another blew in overnight closing the roads again on Saturday!!!). The show was a good 3 hour drive north east of me, and the weather was great once I got there!!

Anyways, Saturday was the big day. Moxie went best of winners, best puppy and best of breed!!!! Then we had to wait around for group, which ended up being like a 1/2 hour after they said it would be!!! She wasn't really on for group, I had to almost drag her around the ring. Normally she goes in strutting her stuff, but she just wasn't awake. But we then went in for puppy group......and MOXIE GOT BEST OF GROUP PUPPY!!!!! I couldn't believe it!! That was our first group puppy win! And from winning the breed, she picked up 3 points, but only needed 1 anyways to finish her championship!!!

Sunday was an interesting day, as she was very put out having Great Dane's in the ring beside us!!

She got best of breed puppy, so we were back in the ring for group puppy. She was really good again, but for some reason the judge looked at her longer than the other dogs (maybe he was considering her, I don't know). She was standing really well, as I've had problems with her wanting to sit! And she was really good, stood longer than normal, but she just wouldn't do it long enough, and she sat down while the judge was still watching her....hey, thems the breaks!!! lol Monday we came away empty handed, but I had made a pact with Mox that I wouldn't be upset if she didn't do well, coz I wanted to get on the road before rush hour hit Toronto!!!!! lol

I am sooooo proud of my little girl!!
: I don't know where we are heading next....possibly some obedience....not sure, but as long as she is enjoying the show ring, we will keep going!!

Anyways, here is the picture with judge Walter Pinsker of Surrey, B.C.!!!



Lyn :aktion033: :aktion033:
WOW Congratulations!!! What a great accomplishment!!! :aktion033:
: :bgrin It's so much fun showing and working your own dog is'nt it? I'm doing Novice rally right now with Lakota and soon to be enrolling her in 2nd level obedience..dogs are amazing!!
Congratulations, Kathryn!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

I'm really happy for you!!
:aktion033: Congrats, That's great!
Thanks everyone!! I can't say enough good things about her!! She is an amazing little dog!!

I will keep yas posted on how we do at the specialties this summer...we also have another show in 2 weeks that I entered just in case she didn't finish at this last show!

:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: yay for both of you :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

She is such a delightful looking dog and it is so exciting you two are traveling and having when is she planning on sweeping the states
: :bgrin :bgrin :bgrin
Hey, we're hitting the American Specialty the end of May!! I'm not sure I will be able to get to any American shows before that, but it could happen!!! :aktion033: I definately want to try to finish her in the States as well!!!
: We'll see how it goes!!

Thanks again everyone!!! I wish you all could meet miss Moxie....she is definately one of a kind!!!!


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