Hi everyone - do you know what MSSA is? Okay maybe you don't.
MSSA is the Modern Stallion Sweepstakes Auction. This year we have several Modern Stallions that are also AMHR registered - which makes them available to your dual registered miniature. Eleven stallions have been nominated - bids start at $200 (and are often one at that!) and you will have a beautiful moving ASPC/AMHR foal.
The stallion service auction for the Modern Shetland 2013/2014 Weanling Sweepstakes will be held at the 2012 ASPC/ASPR Congress in Tulsa, OK, as a silent auction.
Information on the enrolled stallions will be available throught out the bidding times at this year's Congress. Services offered are for the 2013 breeding year. The resulting foals from these services will be eligible for a special competition in the summer of 2014. This class will be held at the 2014 Shetland Congress, the location and dates of which are yet to be determined.
Phone bids for stallion services will also be accepted.
Please see picture for all the stallions being offered.
If you want to bid - please contact program coordinator Jennifer Radoi at [email protected] or 417-366-2988
Here is the link to the MSSA website: Modern Stallion Sweepstakes Auction
Modern Stallion Sweepstakes Auction (MSSA)

MSSA is the Modern Stallion Sweepstakes Auction. This year we have several Modern Stallions that are also AMHR registered - which makes them available to your dual registered miniature. Eleven stallions have been nominated - bids start at $200 (and are often one at that!) and you will have a beautiful moving ASPC/AMHR foal.
The stallion service auction for the Modern Shetland 2013/2014 Weanling Sweepstakes will be held at the 2012 ASPC/ASPR Congress in Tulsa, OK, as a silent auction.
Information on the enrolled stallions will be available throught out the bidding times at this year's Congress. Services offered are for the 2013 breeding year. The resulting foals from these services will be eligible for a special competition in the summer of 2014. This class will be held at the 2014 Shetland Congress, the location and dates of which are yet to be determined.
Phone bids for stallion services will also be accepted.
Please see picture for all the stallions being offered.
If you want to bid - please contact program coordinator Jennifer Radoi at [email protected] or 417-366-2988
Here is the link to the MSSA website: Modern Stallion Sweepstakes Auction
Modern Stallion Sweepstakes Auction (MSSA)

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