I have a pair-bays-and three(!)pair vehicles
Edited by Mod- you cannot post anything for sale! Half of my pair is one I bred, raised, and trained. About 6-8? years ago, I decided on him for my pair, went looking for a good match. Though color should really be at the bottom of the list for 'matching' for a multiple (of course, if the show ring is your major interest, you might rank it higher, but 'real-world' drivers know that match of movement-length and quality of stride--temperment, and to a fair degree, body height, size and shape, are more 'genuinely' important---I did look for a color match. Was VERY fortunate to find one locally(because seeing and evaluating all apsects of a prospect 'in person' is so important to the likelihood of a successful match!)
Though at first, I 'agonized' over the fact that the prospect was 2" shorter than the horse I already had, it has in truth NOT been an issue at all. The two get along, both are willing workers, can match stride quite well. Luckily, the prospect had had someone who knew what they were doing give him some PROPER training.
I admit I've not gotten to drive the pair nearly as much as I'd like, mostly due to having no one to help me. I have a back-to-back English trap, a buckboard, and a Glinkowski 'mini-mix' marathon vehicle. Most fun is the buckboard; it is a hoot for parades--I got a 'homesteader' dress and authentic sunbonnet, and some 'props', such as a couple of 'mini' straw bales, and 'fake' basket of eggs, fresh produce, gunny sack of potatoes, lariat rope, etc., so I can portray the 'frontier woman coming home from town with supplies(or, if I wish, I can portray the 'frontier MAN' doing the same...just wear my late hubbie's old work hat, work shirt, suspenders,etc.!
I'd love to 'do' a larger-numbers multiple(out of the six minis I now own, 5 drive) but is simply isn't safe w/o help when you're my age...plus it's VERY time-consuming, and takes more gear, a larger trailer, etc.
It is a great deal of fun to drive a pair! Some believe it can actually be safer than a single, as seldom will both horses spook at the same time, and the 'steady eddy' will likely resist the other's attempt to act up when scared/upset, thus 'defusing' the situation.
There is much to know about what constitutes proper pair harness, pair rein and trace adjustment, etc., so it would be wise to find a good instructor, knowledgeable in pair driving.(In light horse driving, two is properly called a PAIR, more than two, a TEAM, while in draft/draft-oriented driving, two is called a TEAM.There is also a difference in style and configuration of harness in light horse vs draft; and usually, different types/styles of vehicles are used, for both singles and multiple hitches.)
Just a few 'tidbits'...