My "Boys" at play...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
Reaction score
Morson, Ontario, Canada
It is so nice and warm today, around 30*F and a nice light snow falling. I was walking past the kitchen window when I saw the boys were having another one of their "play sessions", and I just had to get pics. They did not turn out real clear, as the camera didn't know whether to focus in on the snowflakes falling or the horses...that, and maybe the snowflakes were too large, but I snapped some pics anyway. They didn;t turn out as nice as I had hoped, but I tried.

Ditto, the red dun is 7 years this year, and Royalty is the buckskin, and will be 2 years this year.



How cute is that!

I love the way the snow looks through the camera.

It's topping 40 here today, which i think is around 104 for you guys. Quite a difference in temps hey!

Thanks Mona, great pics.
Hey there is my 'boys' big brother Ditto

They look like they are enjoying the snow! They are both so very very pretty
Oh those boys! Those are great pics. Esprit would like to play with Alladdin like that, but he is way too big, poor lil' Laddie just gets thrown around like a rag doll. Not that it holds him back he keeps right on comin' back for more. HOWEVER, mom (me) has spoken and the boys must be separated.
Those are really awsome photos!

Nice boys too!!
CUTE!!!!! Those are great photos! What is the beige structure in the background on the last photo - is that mini housing? I'm really curious!!!!

Liz R.
Thanks for the comments everyone! I just love to watch them! Liz, the beige things behind them is indeed "mini housing".
Those are the shelters I have in my individual stallion pens, but they are plenty big enough for a couple mature horses, 4 or 5 weanlings etc. They are calf hutches made for housing multiple calfs in one pen. Here are some pics showing them from the open end, with horses in the picture to give you a better idea of size. The one horse alone is a mature stallion of 31.5" that I used to own. I LOVE them...they are plastic, so virtually mainenance free, other than pulling the odd bird nest or hornets nest out of them.




Here's the LINK for them.
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Those are great pictures! We hardly ever see snow. Its so beautiful. And the horses are also! I love yourmini housing!
GREAT pictures and i absolutely LOVE those shelters!!!

i could sit for hours and watch the mini boys play. they get SO rough and tumble sometimes, they will bring each other to their knees!
Wow, Mona - I have just become a HUGE fan of your housing! What a wonderful solution for the minis!!! I'll contact the manufacturer, but I am curious - do you have the houses staked into the ground? Just wondering if there is a chance that high winds can blow them over. What a great product!

Liz R.
Liz, When we first put them in the pens, we riveted tarps on them, but the wind shredded them, so now they are just open. They are on 4"x6" treated lumber, as you can see in the photos, and then anchored into the ground from the front with long pieces of readyrod drilled through the front post on an inward angle and then into the ground a long way. Nuts are screwed onto the top piece of the ready rod that sticks out the top of the wood to hold it all on place. No trouble with winds blowing them around now! We got these because the winds that year blew over EVERY wooden run-in shelter we had! Ruined them all! In the one shelter, just this past summer, I did have to pound the rod in a little as they started working their way out, but I am not sure if it was due to the winds or due to my ramming into them getting close when I cut the pasture with the riding mower. They did not come anywhere near all the way out, just enough that a horse could have been hurt if he layed or fell on it, as it was probably sticking up 3" or 4".
Those are great pics of the boys playing!

And I love, LOVE your horse houses! I'd love some of those!
wow those are awsome pics! i love them! and also mona i love ure dp! the horses in it are beautiful

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